People on cam site ... no profile and no cam

Suggestions and site feedback
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I would like to see the site make it a rule that you at a minimum have to have a profile with pictures and a working cam on in order to be on the web-cam site. Numerous times I have signed on and the same people are consistently sitting on the site, with blank profiles and never turning their cam on. Is there someway that Spandex can step this up to make it a minimum requirement that you have to have a profile with pics in order to use this feature?

Lycraman74Lycraman74 liked this.

Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
and I'd like to see guys in spandex on cam, not just tiny thongs...

skinsboyskinsboy liked this.

Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I agree. But I don't think they will implement that rule as some of those people that are not showing off on cam are probably paying the premium membership. You can create your own chat room. Label it "Cams only" or whatever. Good luck!
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
posted by: erav2000
and I'd like to see guys in spandex on cam, not just tiny thongs...
haha I totally agree ;)

Deleted userDeleted user liked this.

Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I Agree........
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I for one am geting fed up with guy who eveyone's pictures on their profile BUT THEIR OWN...WHAT gives...if you join this site PLACE your own NO ONE wants to see your collection of what you think is hot YES we all can search and find those pix...BE honest and post your own.
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I was on cam yesterday and there was someone on there who wasn't showing as on line and didn't appear to have a SP profile at all. Most odd!

Deleted userDeleted user liked this.

Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
First of all I want to thank those who created Spandex Party. It turely is a great site, but with that said, I have a few things that I would hope could possibly change. Number one, I understand their is a trial phase for spandex party. I also understand that it's not always easy to get a pic of yourself to the web right away, but I feel that every member should be required to have a pic of themselves on their profile. I see so many profiles with no pictures and I ask myself, what is the point? Number two, a time limit should be set for users who appear to be online, but are not actually at their computer. Like maybe a half hour our hour time limit and if there is no activity on their end, they are booted off. I can't tell you how annoying it is when it shows someone as being online and they are not. I understand there are many different time zones, but if you are going to bed or not going to be around your computer for a long period of time, log off. What's the point of having it up and going if your not even going to be there. I am not sure if a boot thing could be created, but it would be nice if users who are not actually there to log off when they are done, or boot them off if there is no activity after an hour or so. As for the cam chat, users, get a webcam. The chat room would be so much more enteratining if everyone had a web cam going instead of one or two people and a bunch of people saying nothing!!
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I can but agree with all the good and right things that Jasper3377 says. Is our webmaster giving some feedback to our thoughts ? Logo;-)
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I love being on cam showing my speedos and having fun with others. I agree that there need to be pics in profiles. The cam chat room needs a bit more chat happening to encourage each other to share what they wear, so everyone needs to engage a bit more on the chat room site.