Photo Views Help!!

Suggestions and site feedback
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I am a paid up member, and I do not understand why my profile views go up and down. I was on page 9 of the most viewed profiles, but I started to go down very quickly. So I took a screen shot of my number which was 1008 views on the 26/5/11. Today (31st) its at 1005. its gone down 3 views. And on my 'who's been viewing you' page I have at least 24 people who have looked at my page since the 26th.? so whats going on? Shouldn’t it be at least 1029? I am sure I was 1050 at one point at the start of the month? Please help????
Last edited: 14 years ago
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
Today my views are 999!??!?!?! WTF think i may get rid of my membership
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I can see how this is confusing but don't worry, nothing is wrong. What happens is that when a user leaves the site all of their data is removed, including their views of your profile. If you see your views go down, it just happens that this month a big fan of yours who may have looked at your profile every day, or every now and then over years has deleted their profile. The number will go up again as more people view your profile. It has to work this way because you are able to see who has viewed you etc. so if someone leaves then this data has to be removed otherwise you will have lots of 'blank' spots where people used to be (Phew!).
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
i kinda undertand but i doesnt make much sense. I was going up and up for ages, then all i have been doing is going down for months. the 1st of june i was at 1005 views, and today on the 17th June I am at 857 :( even five days ago I was at 897, that minus 40 views in 5 days. although people look at my profile every day. I am on the site pretty much every day, and people look at my profile every day, yet its going backwards. It just doesnt seem fair :(
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
Aaaahhhhh. I had wondered the same thing myself!
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I think that this would be one of those occasions where reality meets the Spandex Party matrix. I actually like the feature of being able to kill myself on this site. Sorry if that affects anyones vital statistics. I imagine someone might take suffocation a bit too far if their numbers got too low. A bunch of blank profiles kept alive on IT support would keep those vital numbers pumping. Though it might get a wee bit morbid. "Here is where a hot Photoshopped stud used to be. We will always remember his randy crotch shots."
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
since the 26th may i have lost 230 views. WTF.
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
now I have had 478 profile views over 500 less than I had in may. Whats the point???