posted by: Superspandexbulge
The term you're looking for is ryona. According to wiki, "the word ryona (リョナ ryona, a portmanteau of ryōki ("seeking the bizarre") and onanī ("masturbation")) refers to a genre of fiction and sexual complex wherein a protagonist, usually female, is subject to physical or psychological abuse from an offender who is at the same time a love interest, usually male.".
Specifically, the male version would this would be gyaku ryona.
And to your point--yes, I completely and whole-heartedly agree that getting beating up while wearing spandex is one of the ultimate turn-ons for me. I realized this as young 7 or 8 years old, when the classic Power Rangers came on air. I would always enjoy watching the blue ranger (I guess his suit was the most shiny out of all the other Rangers) getting beat up and I would imagine him getting worked and abused to death while in his suit!