Power rangers

Deleted user
posted 6 years ago
Not porn, but watching rangers get beat up and knocked around in their super tight spandex gets me so hard. https://youtu.be/_INnadVDKVc
Last edited: 6 years ago
Deleted user
posted 6 years ago
posted by: Superspandexbulge
Not porn, but watching rangers get beat up and knocked around in their super tight spandex gets me so hard. https://youtu.be/CQu5JRrSgOQ
The term you're looking for is ryona. According to wiki, "the word ryona (リョナ ryona, a portmanteau of ryōki ("seeking the bizarre") and onanī ("masturbation")) refers to a genre of fiction and sexual complex wherein a protagonist, usually female, is subject to physical or psychological abuse from an offender who is at the same time a love interest, usually male.". Specifically, the male version would this would be gyaku ryona. And to your point--yes, I completely and whole-heartedly agree that getting beating up while wearing spandex is one of the ultimate turn-ons for me. I realized this as young 7 or 8 years old, when the classic Power Rangers came on air. I would always enjoy watching the blue ranger (I guess his suit was the most shiny out of all the other Rangers) getting beat up and I would imagine him getting worked and abused to death while in his suit!
posted 6 years ago
YES! Major turn-on for me were the episodes when the red ranger would get wrapped up in tentacles and he just looks to be letting it happen as if he's enjoying it.
Deleted user
posted 6 years ago
Oh yeah I remember that episode
Deleted user
posted 6 years ago
https://youtu.be/_jV1DfrzTpg All wrapped up and energy drained. Very horny.
Last edited: 6 years ago
posted 6 years ago
Watch "Birds of a Feather" and "Rita's Seed of Evil". Both times the Red Ranger is wrapped up in tentacles and helpless. It's very hot.
posted 5 years ago
posted by: ssjammerz
posted by: Superspandexbulge
realized this as young 7 or 8 years old, when the classic Power Rangers came on air. I would always enjoy watching the blue ranger (I guess his suit was the most shiny out of all the other Rangers) getting beat up and I would imagine him getting worked and abused to death while in his suit!
I am exactly the same @Superspandexbulge There is a japanese company called giga which specialised in exactly this stuff. Most of the time its female but sometimes the actors in the suits are male such as in this video: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5bcd9f46a6bee&t=795 where the blue ranger gets tortured
Last edited: 5 years ago
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
omg!!!!!!!!!! i love this clip! thank you thank you thank you! absolutely love how their suits are stained with their..."power juices". If only I could find an evil dominating diva/dude spandex-power villain to do the same to me...
posted by: spankbang
posted by: ssjammerz
posted by: Superspandexbulge
realized this as young 7 or 8 years old, when the classic Power Rangers came on air. I would always enjoy watching the blue ranger (I guess his suit was the most shiny out of all the other Rangers) getting beat up and I would imagine him getting worked and abused to death while in his suit!
I am exactly the same @Superspandexbulge There is a japanese company called giga which specialised in exactly this stuff. Most of the time its female but sometimes the actors in the suits are male such as in this video: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5bcd9f46a6bee&t=795 where the blue ranger gets tortured
Last edited: 5 years ago
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
Something about the very first season of MMPR gets me the most horny. Maybe it’s the suits. Maybe they’re just dominated more by those rubber suited monsters. Who knows. Anyone care to share their favourite ranger domination clips?
posted 5 years ago
[img=http://sirstack.db-destiny.net/morphylogeny/143/RSoE020.JPG]Red Ranger choked and restrained by thick tentacles These are from 2 of my favourite episodes Birds of a Feather and Rita's Seed of Evil Both times, Red is gripped and bound by thick juicy tentacles and render our hero helpless as he succumbs to their coils.
Last edited: 5 years ago
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
Oh ya those scenes are super hot. They really get me horny. I’m hard in my ranger suit right now just looking at those photos. Love seeing them wrapped up in tentacles, and the terror toads tongue.
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
I found another one on the website--a power ranger porno/parody. This is basically my fantasy--wearing my shiny blue spandex suit, I get dominated by an evil diva dominatrix, who saps the living energy out of me when she makes me cum in my power suit. I love how the ranger is screaming in pleasurable agony in 34:59. So...hot!!! https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a32d8b212491
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
Hot! I wish it wasn’t a girl though lol
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
Hell I still get off watching the regular episodes of the first season, watching them get beat down.
posted 5 years ago
if you're interested, here is an old and rare footage behind the scene of a sentai serie. https://youtu.be/AsqYZfQRo74?t=4288 you can see an actor changing his suit for a clean one to keep filming scenes.

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