Public Bulging

posted 8 years ago
Arranged to meet a guy from Grindr at the local Starbuck for some public bulging and some rubbing. I put on my Arroyman black bulging tights and a blue tank top that only half covers the bulge, so that you can see if you're looking. I got there and met up with him and said our hellos. Then i stood in line to get a drink in direct eye sight of the guy. I wanted everyone to see me bulging. Sometimes I would rub my crotch and then adjust it. By the time I got to the register I had developed a little bit of a wet spot, but since they were black tights, not much was seen. When I got back to the table with my new friend, he couldn't help but touch and rub the precum slowly around my cock. He was wearing some red basketball shorts. Sitting there at the table for 15 min or so, we would just exchange bulge rubbing while we pretended to look at his laptop. Both of our bulges were soaked with precum, so we decided to take a walk! We went into the neighborhood and found a nice pocket park where we both did a lot more rubbing or our bulges. We both were so turned on being there bulging where anyone could walk by. We both came after some hot nipple play and precum bulge rubbing. Can't wait to see him in some spandex bulging next time though.
Deleted user
posted 8 years ago
Nice, I'd love to be rubbed in public in my pale grey skintight Nike running tights. Milking my pre to leave me embarrassed but still horny.

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