Recent Spandex Site "Outages"

Suggestions and site feedback
Deleted user
posted 9 years ago
It would be great if someone could explain why there have been so many site outages this past week, when Spandex-Party is unavailable. As a matter of courtesy to those who pay for membership, I would have thought this should be a matter of course ... Thanks, Hotbritches
posted 9 years ago
Hi guys - I'm investigating this issue. I'll let you know as soon as I can find the cause of the problems. Thanks for your patience. CHeers, Mike

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Deleted user
posted 9 years ago
Thanks for the post guys - Look forward to the update.
posted 9 years ago
I've just had another look at the database and changed some settings which will hopefully sort the recent problems. I'll keep an eye on it over the next few days to make sure it's all working properly. Thanks guys and I appreciate your patience, Mike