posted by: SpandexPartyAdminHey roadbiker, aww that sucks. I assume the picture stolen is from your twitter account? can you send me a DM to @Spandex_Party with the picture in question and i'll take action on Fordgear. Cheers
posted by: roadbiker75A DM here or on twitter? The spandex_party twitter acciunt has DMs turned off soposted by: SpandexPartyAdminHey roadbiker, aww that sucks. I assume the picture stolen is from your twitter account? can you send me a DM to @Spandex_Party with the picture in question and i'll take action on Fordgear. Cheers
posted by: roadbiker75Thanks. User is now either deleted his account od blocked me. Anyone still able to view it?
posted by: Smokinz14No. “Page not Found”.posted by: roadbiker75Thanks. User is now either deleted his account od blocked me. Anyone still able to view it?
posted by: LeemarvinHi a user has posted one of my piics as his ive asked for him to remove it but he hasn't responded what can I do about this?
posted by: speedbird212Chrissyg151 All he does is create and delete profiles with new ages and locations, all using the same photos.