Restaurant Reviel

Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
I worked close to a park were I liked to run there were other guys too that hung out at the park also. Was all ways good for some action. Thats another story. So after work I would go to this fast food restaurant to use their bath room to change.I had some really good tight and white spandex for the day. Now the bathroom was all the way in the back so you had to walk through the whole lobby to get to it and to leave.Took my duffle and went to change, they had a larger stall so you had more room. Thought about how you could have done some dick sucking there because of the room. Went to change. Put on apair of u/a compression shorts these have a hole cut in the front for your cock and balls to fit through. just helps to accent the package.Iam big into cock and ball bondage.And like to tie up my cock and balls.Couple raps around the base then a few more around the the top of the sack and then a few more to split the balls in the sack.Then I will lube up my ass to put a black dildoe with balls atachted to it up my ass giving me a full feeling also gives you really good feeling when you run with it. It was a little cool so I layered up with 2 pair of spandex pants 1 nike and 1 u/a along with the spandex shorts, gives you a very tight fit but also does not jeave much to the imagination.Finished changeing stepped out of the stall checked both packages out in the mirror the bound cock up front and the bulging balls in back,being thay are black in color they show through the pants more than the bulge. Now the fun leaving the rest room to leave. Checking out all the people checking you out. But first you have to go to the front counter and wait in line to order a soda. I have only once had some one get behind me up close and punp the dildoe up my ass and then follow me out, and to the park to finish the deed spanking my balls and cock, my ass then making me suck his dick and leave with no recipacation but thats what all cock sucking whores are supposed to do GOOD TIME !!!!!!!

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