Roro Tease

Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
Hi guys in Spandex party Hope you are enjoying Roro's spandex adventures just as much as I am. Most of these happened before we actually met, but we have had a few in the couple of years we have known each other. It is quite fun watching him type (spell check gets a good workout) whilst I am giving him pleasure as this usually makes me very horny. I am also into wearing spandex and shiny clothes, of which a few roro likes to wear as well I love cumming onto your website (using roro's password) reading other guys adventures, watching the videos and looking up profiles. Yes I know that it is a guys website but I love checking the guys out. Will let you know what has happened on our adventures. A few come to mind: the flash hotel on the gold coast, the week at a nudist resort, and a few funny short stories that happened around town . Look forward to reading more of your encounters Luv Nicole (Roro's hot and horny girlfriend)

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