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posted by: SportstightsHello everyone thought I would try to make a post here to grab any attention. I’d love to go out biking, running or go to the gym with someone or someone(s) in tights in montreal. We would do more than just sports obviously… Weather is obviously not great so we’ll have to wait a little bit but in the next weeks/april. That’s all!!
lycrawet liked this.
posted by: LycranteLol, why the obviously bit? Is there a scenario where we just train together?posted by: SportstightsHello everyone thought I would try to make a post here to grab any attention. I’d love to go out biking, running or go to the gym with someone or someone(s) in tights in montreal. We would do more than just sports obviously… Weather is obviously not great so we’ll have to wait a little bit but in the next weeks/april. That’s all!!