Searching for N2N Collegiate and university jammers and briefs

Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
When I go to the swimming pool I wear frequently some N2N gear. This could be my green or red collegiate jammers or briefs or my black or blue university jammers. I like them a lot. Last time I noticed that the fabric of my green collegiate jammer is not in the best shape anymore. I like them a lot so I want to continue to use them in the pool so I'm searching for a replacement. Unfortunately collegiate is from an old N2N collection so I don't find them anymore :( N2N change also every year the colors of there existing products and I noticed that I miss some nice colors in the university collection (silver, yellow, black with green). I also don't have briefs from the university collection. I was wondering if someone have some of above for sale or know sites where I can buy N2N collegiate or University jammers and briefs. Thanks for your help
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
you can find n2n university collections on and .... that's where I bought mine! by the way, nice blue n2n jammer you got there!! I also got one of that..
Last edited: 12 years ago
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
Thanks lycrazy but I took already a look on They have the university jammers and briefs in 2 new colors (2012) but I'm looking for 'older' colors. On they have some of the colors of 2011. So maybe I will order already some there. But then I'm still missing some other nice coloros and more important the collegiate items :( Bellow a selection of the other colors that N2N produced for there university jammers:
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
actually, I've got two of the jammers you've posted.. the yellow and the orange ones! but unfortunately I don't sell them.. I kinda' use them for specific purposes..