Sewing Patterns for Thongs, Jocks, Bodys etc.

Shops and Sites
posted 2 years ago
Hi Guys, perhaps there are others here, that are interested in fabricating their own designs. I found this guy, who has quite sexy mens patterns available, which are normally difficult to come by: I do not know the guy or profit in any way - but I find the patterns to be nice and each one comes with a detailed step-by-step tutorial on youtube. Will also share my results on here soon :-) I am also starting this threat to find other sowers amongst you - share patterns, tips, experiences ...... Cheers, bulge_lover
posted 2 years ago
posted by: bulge_lover
Hi Guys, perhaps there are others here, that are interested in fabricating their own designs. I found this guy, who has quite sexy mens patterns available, which are normally difficult to come by: I do not know the guy or profit in any way - but I find the patterns to be nice and each one comes with a detailed step-by-step tutorial on youtube. Will also share my results on here soon :-) I am also starting this threat to find other sowers amongst you - share patterns, tips, experiences ...... Cheers, bulge_lover
Great site, thanks for sharing…i was thinking about doing some of this during lockdowns a couple of years ago…there are a few sites and spots to get great patterns. This was one i was thinking about

speedologospeedologo liked this.

posted 2 years ago
If you ever need some sewing tips, this guy really knows his craft -- on any type of gear or apparel