Sleep over (fiction)

posted 8 years ago
It was summer and I finaly had some days off. This is when my old school friend Nick invited me to his house for a LAN-Party "like in in the old days" he said. We haven't seen each other for a long time. We both are working and in his free time, Nick started participating in serveral sport activities and clubs. While he got in shape I got out of shape as I began an IT job. I packed a few things and went over to him. "Hi, long time no see man! You haven't changed at all." He said to me while grinning. "Boy but you changed, besides this attitude of yours! Wow you look like someone stole you from a Mr. Univere competition." He was 1.92 m high blonde short hair and muscular. "Yeah, I made a few changes! But let's talk inside. Come in!" His home was full of sport trophies, medals and photos of him and his bike and swim teams. "Wow, the only medals I remember you won, were badges from Pokemon!" "Hahaha! Well even if the badges change, you still have no chance of winning against me! Neither in sports nor in video games. I got realy competitive, you know?" "We'll see!" "Uhhm may I ask you something?" "Sure!" Today is my bike training. And I realy can't miss that. Is it okay for you to wait for me?" "Sure, no problem!" "Oh I have a better idea. Why don't you join us?" "Why not? I cheer you on!" "Nice, I'll just change quickly." I sat down on his couch and relaxed a bit. A few minutes later he entered the living room in his tight lycra bike outfit. He wore a yellow black speed suit which showed his abs and a very clearly visible outline of his lower package (Like this and this). Somehow I felt a bit aroused. "Wow, if I were a woman, I would definitly get wet!" "Thanks! Had to do a lot of training for that. Look at this!" He started posing to show off his ass and his bulge. I just clapped bacause I could't say anything. I don't know what happend to me. I kinda enjoyed the view and felt my dick grow. I needed to cool off now. But how? "Im going to the toilet before we go. I don't want to pee in the wildernes!" I went to the bathroom and closed the door. I sat on the toilet, waited for my d*ck to get soft again and flushed. When I came out Nick stood before me and said "You know what? How about joining our training today? You got realy out of shape." "Sure. You may be right with me getting out of shape. Do you have any bike left for me?" "Sure thing." "Then let's go." "Uhhm you can't go like this..." "What do you mean?" "Here try this on. It will make you move better and you won't sweat so much." He handed me another speedsuit. It was pink and purple (like this). "I don't think this will fit. Look how small it is and I'm not as slim as you are." "Nope, you are definitely going to wear this. It is one of my first ones, so it will fit you. Besides it's function, it feels good as well. Believe me, you want to wear this." I went inside the bathroom again and closed the door. I felt strange. Somehow I wanted to try this on, but I feared to get hard again. What will Nick think of me? Well I got no choice. I undressed and took his speedsuit. I had to confess, it realy felt nice and smooth. "Hey, what are you waiting for, just put it on. And don't forget to remove your underwear. It will make this suit just unconfortable." "Are you kidding me?!" "No! Just do it. The suit is washed and clean. So don't act like a girl." I took off my boxers as well and slid my legs into the suit. It was tight but smooth and silky. My dick got rock hard as it touched the incredible material. I quickly pulled it up my shoulder and finished putting it on. I just had to wait now untill my dick calmed down. "Jeez, are you ready yet? I already put the bikes in the car." My bulge was still visible but this was inevitible I thought. I just focused on not staining it. I got out and went to Nick. "There you go. Looks nice and it fits great. Come on lets go." We went into the car and drove to the training side. We unloaded the bikes and drove to the meeting point. "Oh look at this. My team has gone. Thats because you took so long changing. Well let's train alone then, shall we. I couldn't concentrate on anything he said while driving. Everytime my legs moved up and down they touched my dick and I was focused not to come. On the way back to the car it started raining. "Oh boy, great!" I said. "Don't worry, we'll be at the car in a few minutes. You can dry off at home." The wet lycra made it impossible for my dick to calm down. I started leeking precum, but because of the rain it wasn't visible. Finaly we arrived at the car and drove to Nicks'. We put the bikes back into the garage and went to the living room. "Wow you did well, for beeing out of shape!" "Thanks mate!" "But I think you can't resist anymore, just like me true?" He laid his hand on my cock and rubbed it up and down. I instantly got hard again "There we go! Whats this? You already leaked precum? You naughty little..." "Hey, what are you doing?" "Something we both want, right?" He started massaging my glans and I let out a moan. "Seems like it's time for me to make you feel at home." He trew me on the sofa, wrapped his hands around my erection and started grinding his dick into my lycra ass. I moaned even loader. He then pushed his dick through our clothes into my ass. "See how elastic this suits are. Because you enjoy this one so much, lets make it yours. He then started to push his dick deeper inside of me and pulled it out again. Everytime when he put it back in he went a bit deeper. My moan got louder. "Ohhh!" Was the only thing I could say. "I'm about to cum, Nick!" I said. "Good, me too." He started to massage my shaft and glans together now while penetrating my ass. Then we both let out a huge moan and came together. He turned me over and started licking the cum off my dick and then sucked me off again. "So this is your suit from now on. I promise I'll get you in shape." "I hope so. But with this method I might become even hotter than you!" "As I said, I'm very competitve, so we'll see. Not to forget, I've beaten you this time, too." "What? How?" Well you got fucked by me, right? So I've beaten you!" "Next time, you will be the one getting beaten!" "I'm looking forward to it!"
Last edited: 2 months ago
posted 3 months ago
really hot

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 2 months ago
I added pics for better imagination ;-)

spdxlycspdxlyc liked this.