Spandex memory

Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
Quite a few years ago I was in rehearsal for an opera production, it was summer and hot. I knew the lead from having worked with him after he left music college, then married and straight! By the time we worked together again he had come out, and on this particular day turned up in cycle gear and proceeded to rehearse in it. The company was all men and of varying ages and probably mostly straight. There was a good deal of tension sexual and otherwise, our hero, though short, had a well defined body and because he had to walk through us fairly often it clearly upset the older straight members of the chorus. Turning up like this was clearly deliberate and although I'd never thought of him other than a nice colleague, but ever since then I've found him really quite attractive! He also had a motorbike and set up a website photographed in all his leathers, nice too but somehow it's him bombing around the room in Lycra that sticks in my memory!