Spandex Party Roadmap 2024

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 1 year ago
Hey bulgers, I'm incredibly happy what Spandex Party achieved last year—and I'm incredibly grateful to be part of this amazing community. Thank you all! Of course Spandex Party won't stop here. I want to keep it the home for bulgers and spandex enthusiasts and make it the home for many new ones this year. That's why I'd like to drive you into our roadmap. Let me show you the goals and next steps I'm focusing on to achieve this in the coming months. Here are the main goals that are planned for 2024:
  • Improved start page and notification center: An improved start page will enhance the Newsfeed page and show you more relevant informations like new users / travelers in your area, new pics you might like, and more
  • Spandex event calendar: Find like-minded guys for real life meetups of any kind, official spandex parties or private cycling tours, everything in one place
  • Spandex brand listing: Browse your favourite spandex brands and discover new gear that makes you bulge in it
  • Improved messaging and sharing pictures: Focuses on DMs (Direct Messages) as well as commenting on photos and videos
Let me know if you have question or bring up something you'd like to see on Spandex Party. It can be a quality of life improvement or a complete new thing, I'm all ears! All the best for 2024 💪 —Simon
posted 1 year ago
Thanks for all your improvements on SpandexParty ! Your plans for this year sound very good . All the best for 2024 !
posted 1 year ago
Thanks, as well as new members, I'd like to see more focus on re-engaging past members who've drifted away over the years.
posted 1 year ago
thanks for everything you do to make this site possible, it is awesome! If the Dating section could be enhanced it might be an easier way to find spandex friends. I noticed when I select the United States and type in major cities there are no results that come up such as 'Miami' or 'Fort Lauderdale'. Not sure if this is happening to anyone else but it used to work. Thanks again for everything! ~spandexhottie
posted 1 year ago
I echo what everyone else has said so far - you’ve done an incredible job thus far, so thankful that you took the helm and have driven the upgrades and fun changes to date. Truly well done and can’t wait to see what happens here this year, from both the SP development and bringing on new members to keep things tight and spicy here!
posted 1 year ago
There's not a lot of sites like this one... And what SpandexParty does, makes it right and great! So, I can also echo what everyone else said before, but I have a small, but rather high-quality suggestion: On the Dating page, there's a world map on which all the online/active members can be filtered by country. Why not add city filters as well? For example, when I head to Cologne in August (big video game convention!), it would be interesting to see if any other spandex fans are living there as well. This can be combined with the improvements on the starting page/notification center, by the way ;) Just saw that there is already a city filter, but that could be changed to a drop-down menu where all the cities this site has in the database for each country are listed. Makes it also easier for foreign people to use that feature!
Last edited: 1 year ago
posted 1 year ago
Maybe add a default location as well as some calendar specific location / region. So when you go on holiday or business trip for some time, you can add those locations to the calendar. So you can find others in that area, at that time.
posted 1 year ago
posted by: spandexhottie
thanks for everything you do to make this site possible, it is awesome! If the Dating section could be enhanced it might be an easier way to find spandex friends. I noticed when I select the United States and type in major cities there are no results that come up such as 'Miami' or 'Fort Lauderdale'. Not sure if this is happening to anyone else but it used to work. Thanks again for everything! ~spandexhottie
Yes, I lost the communication with all my friends around because there is not filters like we had before


posted 1 year ago
I echo everyone in saying how much I appreciate this site and our admin for creating a space so unique and welcoming. You all make me feel so comfortable embracing my love of all things tight and bulging! Whenever I get something new and managed to get a sexy picture, the first thing I want to do is share it with you all because of the wonderful comments and positive reinforcement, you guys provide. There’s no other site like this that I’ve come across since the closure of spandex guys. It also feels like there is more and more engagement every year! The number of guys flocking here is definitely a reflection of the features and quality that keep improving. One suggestion that I have would be an improved chat feature, or the ability to share photos that we may have not already uploaded to our accounts. Otherwise, I have absolutely no complaints! Thank you for everything and keep up the good work!
Last edited: 1 year ago
posted 5 months ago
Yeah thank you for what you’re doing for our community. This is a great website and I have talked to and met with awesome people. As someone who travels for work, to foreign countries, having a distance-based search, like in the non-fetish apps, or at least having a drop down with all the cities of the database, would be very, very useful to find more friends.

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