Spandex Play Party in Los Angles

posted 1 year ago
Hi! There seem to be a great number of people on here that reside in the LA/OC area. Would any of the more adventurous of you be up for having a spandex play party? We could rent a room, get some snacks ;) Could be fun.
posted 1 year ago
I would be into it!
posted 1 year ago
Count me in!

SpandexnCASpandexnCA liked this.

posted 1 year ago
Would love to join in the fun. Lmk plz.
posted 1 year ago
That sounds fun!
posted 1 year ago
This sounds like a ton of fun! I'll be back in LA over the summer and would love to join.
Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
I’m down! I’ll bring wine ;)
Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
Yes, would love to join
posted 1 year ago
Sounds like we could have a fun time. What's the best day to play? Can someone host, or should we book a room?
posted 1 year ago
i'd come up for it. if you plan something, a bunch of people will come.
posted 1 year ago
I’m down!
posted 1 year ago
I’m so down for this! Would be so much fun.
posted 1 year ago
How about we get a hotel suite? Tops dress as villains and bottoms as heroes, or whatever you want to wear.

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 1 year ago
Fuck yes. So down with this. I might be coming out that way soon anyway!
posted 1 year ago
im so down for this! sounds like fun! we can trade and wear gear too!

m2mfunm2mfun liked this.

posted 1 year ago
Any suggestions on dates and/or locations?
posted 1 year ago
Hey Guys! I’m actually going to be staying in a condo in ps for thongers weekend. If anyone is going I’d be down to host a play party that Saturday evening. Let me know if you guys would be down
posted 1 year ago
posted by: summerfun33
Hey Guys! I’m actually going to be staying in a condo in ps for thongers weekend. If anyone is going I’d be down to host a play party that Saturday evening. Let me know if you guys would be down
lets us know when and where saturday night for dun in PS during thongers weekend
posted 1 year ago
Would anyone be up for a play party in Newhall the evening of June 12? It's a Monday.
posted 1 year ago
Boosting... :)