Spandex/Sportsgear/Underwear Events Listings

posted 8 years ago
Does anyone know where to find the most comprehensive listing for Spsndex/Sportsgear/Underwear events? This forum lists some, but I'm thinking that there must be more? Thanks guys!

dakota1212dakota1212 liked this.

posted 8 years ago
While I think a lot, perhaps even a majority of the listings we'd want are here, i would guess that many others are a little self isolated in their own ways. Facebook groups are a good place to start though they're hard to find without suggestions - anyone have any for their part of the world? Here in NYC I used to go to the Skintight events to meet guys into this too, though their fb page market themselves mostly as superhero, there was sports stuff too. Great guys. I also check out the calendar at The Eagle NYC on their website, as up to once a month they have a sports theme to their fetish night. In Berlin the Lab club has sports gear fetish nights on their schedule sometimes- perhaps not Lycra explicitly but you can assume you'll find some. The Recon website also has event listings for all over the world that I've seen to include sports themed events, again not explicitly Lycra-only but definitely inclusive of that. Often I find these scheduled during bigger festivals in cities. Other than that, what other sites are people on? I know there's that clone of GearFetish but I forget its name. I don't mean to reduce activity here as this is by far my favorite group of guys- I just wanted to see more events. Any other sugggestions or FB groups, let us know. Also should we start a subreddit? (Perhaps there's one already?) When Instagram starts doing events this will be interesting...
Last edited: 8 years ago

scooterfxscooterfx,flurricflurric liked this.

posted 8 years ago
There are a few relevant groups on Planetromeo, some of them listing or even organizing (like mine :) events. One of them is XSNEAX-EU--Partylist, they also have a website:, listing many many fetish related events, mainly sportswear, in which quite a lot of lycra/spandex is (more or less well) hidden. Anybody can report additional events to them, please to it, so that they have the most complete list. After all I can recommend what they do, also friendly folks who are always open for suggestions. flu
posted 8 years ago
posted by: dakota1212
In Berlin the Lab club has sports gear fetish nights on their schedule sometimes- perhaps not Lycra explicitly but you can assume you'll find some.
You'll see lots and lots of lycra every Friday night. They don't have a dresscode that night, but lycra seems to be most practical to be a) not naked b) ready for fucking, so it's more for "practical" than for fetish reasons... ass-free barcode Berlin gear VERY popular, unfortunately (because ass-free :) flu