Speedo fullbody fastskins

Sell your gear
posted 4 years ago
I’ve got a few new with tags speedo fullbody Fastskin, med/l/ll available. I might be interested in trading for an adidas equipment suit (depending on size and color). These are brand new suits in black. They are an amazing piece of gear. Send me a dm if you have any questions or want more info! Thanks
posted 4 years ago
I have a full suit adidas , sleevless size ,L give me your mail , i send you pics
posted 4 years ago
just saw this, sorry. usasportsfan@yahoo.com
posted 4 years ago
@lycra08 I am interested in buying a Fullbody suit
posted 4 years ago
I sell more than 250 cycling suits, skating suits and inline skating suits made of lycra and rubber in various sizes. message for link to “www.marktplaats.nl” (search for “snelpak”, my name there Mike from Someren)