Stealing photos from SP should be illegal?

Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
Hi! Recently i've discover that someone from SP it's taking photos from our profiles and posting them on the blog, Should this be illegal? I mean, i'm uploading photos here to keep them here!! I've reported them but my photos still showing on the blog, No one's asked me for my permission!!
posted 1 year ago
I reported it as well. I've had stolen photos (with my face showing) shared on parts of the internet without consent and it's infuriating. Nothing like getting a message from someone you know when you show up on their Tumblr dashboard.

SlickskinSlickskin liked this.

posted 1 year ago
posted by: mwcoco
Hi! Recently i've discover that someone from SP it's taking photos from our profiles and posting them on the blog, Should this be illegal? I mean, i'm uploading photos here to keep them here!! I've reported them but my photos still showing on the blog, No one's asked me for my permission!!
I frankly suspect that it has something to do with this sudden abundance of empty content profiles that have appeared on here lately. None of them have any photos, and most have little if any information listed in the "about" section. I guess when you're on a spandex fetish site stealing photos, you don't really see the need to fill out your profile in full.
posted 1 year ago
That blog has been going on since 2008 and it’s full of SP pictures. I’ve posted there before, you basically send pictures to him and he will post them. I sent some of my pics before joining this website. It’s not going to be so easy to stop this, the owner collects pictures from the blog members and posts them. If they crop out the watermark link and send them to him it’s almost impossible for him to know that they got them from here. He can even create a real profile with his face and just go about screenshotting everyone’s pictures on here and posting them, we’d never be able who he is amongst the huge number of us. I don’t think is reasonable to think it can be solved.
posted 1 year ago
if you find one of your photos that you have up loaded to Spandex Party on some other site..... what you can do is FILE A DMCA report.... esp if its on something like Instagram or Facebook.. They will have to take down the photos. you can do a google search on how to file a DMCA if you find any of your pics Stolen or used by someone else. If its another USER here on spandex party using your photos. Report them to the sp admin..
posted 1 year ago
I honestly don't really mind all that much as long as my photos aren't being used to sell something or otherwise for-profit. Definitely agree that it's troubling when your face pics pop up on other sites like when stupid 18 year old high school choices in cam chat rooms let to a full body nude popping up on the landing page of a few different porn sites. However, I also think that it's slightly naive to have a hard line expectation of privacy when posting our pictures online, especially when our individual profiles aren't behind paywalls like on OnlyFans. That said, I would definitely first reach out to the poster and politely ask them to take down your photos before elevating the issue by filing a complaint.

SlickskinSlickskin,giov62133giov62133 liked this.

posted 1 year ago
this makes me furious. this blog belongs to this blunove guy. if you remember, this guy also runs the twitter account that posts pics. at least I have now a better contact possibility and to report and file claims. because twitter didn't do a thing! it has nothing to do with "more blank profiles". it's been the same person. it can happen on any site; even worse on dating app where people collect private photos and can impersonate that person in another dating profile to collect even more private photos. it's wildly against anything I'm for that you take pictures without consent and post them somewhere else. if you consented to this, that's fine. but this is not the case here. I contacted the author and requested to take them down immediately.
posted 1 year ago
posted by: jtalbot812
if you find one of your photos that you have up loaded to Spandex Party on some other site..... what you can do is FILE A DMCA report.... esp if its on something like Instagram or Facebook.. They will have to take down the photos. you can do a google search on how to file a DMCA if you find any of your pics Stolen or used by someone else. If its another USER here on spandex party using your photos. Report them to the sp admin..
Many people think that a DMCA report makes compliance mandatory, but that is a common misconception given the complexities of copyright law. In reality, they are more like strongly worded letters that essentially carry the same practical weight as emailing the blogger and asking for the images to be removed. DMCA reports lack authority to compel take down actions for two reasons. First, you cannot bring litigation for civil damages without registering your copyright with the U.S. Copyright office, the only means of enforcing your claim. Second, even if you were willing to spend the $45 to register each image and muster the cost of bringing legal action, a casual blogger using your photos would be likely able to successfully claim fair use if their blog isn't using the images for monetary game. All this to say that the legalese of a DMCA report might scare a legally unsophisticated into taking down your images, but there are no immediate legal consequences if they fail to do so.

SlickskinSlickskin liked this.

Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
Already done it! Never someone asked me if i want to be part that blog, ever!!!
posted by: jtalbot812
if you find one of your photos that you have up loaded to Spandex Party on some other site..... what you can do is FILE A DMCA report.... esp if its on something like Instagram or Facebook.. They will have to take down the photos. you can do a google search on how to file a DMCA if you find any of your pics Stolen or used by someone else. If its another USER here on spandex party using your photos. Report them to the sp admin..
Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
Exactly!! If he write me telling me about his blog "hey u wanna be part" i'll say "thanks no" I know sharing this kind of photos its kinda risky but i thought it was "safe" sharing here when everyone else is doing the same thing, sharing photos inside the site to keep them inside the site. Thanks fro writing him back!
posted by: spandexpartyadmin
this makes me furious. this blog belongs to this blunove guy. if you remember, this guy also runs the twitter account that posts pics. at least I have now a better contact possibility and to report and file claims. because twitter didn't do a thing! it has nothing to do with "more blank profiles". it's been the same person. it can happen on any site; even worse on dating app where people collect private photos and can impersonate that person in another dating profile to collect even more private photos. it's wildly against anything I'm for that you take pictures without consent and post them somewhere else. if you consented to this, that's fine. but this is not the case here. I contacted the author and requested to take them down immediately.
posted 1 year ago
I guess the best way to prevent people from stealing pics on this site is to make it technically impossible. Like: no option for right-click over a picture, no possibility to drag a picture out of its frame (like on Instagram), and an anti-screenshot function (= you get a black image when you screenshot something - I've seen that on other websites). Do you think some of this would be possible, Simon?

SlickskinSlickskin,BlackAlphaBlackAlpha liked this.

posted 1 year ago
posted by: spxbrln
I guess the best way to prevent people from stealing pics on this site is to make it technically impossible. Like: no option for right-click over a picture, no possibility to drag a picture out of its frame (like on Instagram), and an anti-screenshot function (= you get a black image when you screenshot something - I've seen that on other websites). Do you think some of this would be possible, Simon?
tout sa c'est du grand n'importe quoi sur le vol des photos, vous mettez des photos sur des sites avec ou sans visage peu importe et vous savez tous que quiconque peux les prendrent c'est pas nouveaux c'est comme sa depuis la sortie d'un ordinateur, si vous ne voulez pas que l'on prennent vos photos , n'en mettez pas c'est pas plus compliqué! C'est plus que pénible de lire à la longue tout ces commentaires sur vos photos! N'en mettez pas point et vous cesserez de gindre! A bonne entendeur!
posted 1 year ago
While it is obviously frustrating having people using your photos, I guess we all know that when you put something into the public domain you lose the capacity to decide how and where it will be used. No technology on the site can stop people from screen-grabbing images from their browser. Thus - only post what you would be happy for people outside of this site to see.

sfqguysfqguy liked this.

posted 1 year ago
posted by: spxbrln
I guess the best way to prevent people from stealing pics on this site is to make it technically impossible. Like: no option for right-click over a picture, no possibility to drag a picture out of its frame (like on Instagram), and an anti-screenshot function (= you get a black image when you screenshot something - I've seen that on other websites). Do you think some of this would be possible, Simon?
while these measurements sound effective at first, there is always multiple ways how tech-savvy people can overcome that. All it needs is 1 tech-savvy person to make the measurements useless. Therefore I'm afraid we sit in the same boat as all other sites/apps and there is no measurement on sites/apps side when it comes to this. But we can act when we see someone steals pics from our site! That will tell future tech-savvy peeps we won't stand still when we see stolen stuff, but we'll report them and get them in trouble through DMCA, NetzDG and other institutions and laws.
posted 1 year ago
it would be nice to find out who the user here on spandex party is thats stealing the pics and posting them on other sites.
posted 1 year ago
posted by: jtalbot812
it would be nice to find out who the user here on spandex party is thats stealing the pics and posting them on other sites.
I don't recommend witch hunts. no one knows if it's one person, a couple persons, or automated bots, or or or. the witch hunt would never end and bring down the overall vibe. important to keep in mind: this is nothing new. actually it has gotten better through the time with reverse image search and other tools. with all things in the internet, you should keep sharing what you feel comfortable with. don't feel forced. Cheers!

8eight88eight8 liked this.

posted 1 year ago
posted by: spxbrln
I guess the best way to prevent people from stealing pics on this site is to make it technically impossible. Like: no option for right-click over a picture, no possibility to drag a picture out of its frame (like on Instagram), and an anti-screenshot function (= you get a black image when you screenshot something - I've seen that on other websites). Do you think some of this would be possible, Simon?
Unfortunately, It's not TRULY possible; someone could always still take a new photo of the screen being displayed on their phone, tablet, computer/browser.
posted 1 year ago
This is why I don't have my face on any pics and never will, nothing against those who do. There is no real 100% technological means to block others from stealing pictures so it just comes with the territory, unfortunately. Perhaps adding digital watermarks to the photos' EXIF data or other metadata while uploading to the site would at least provide a tracking method to confirm they were stolen from here but anyone savvy enough could also sanitize that data before posting. Doesn't really solve the problem though. I don't think anything fully could.
posted 1 year ago
posted by: speedo_lovr
This is why I don't have my face on any pics and never will, nothing against those who do. There is no real 100% technological means to block others from stealing pictures so it just comes with the territory, unfortunately. Perhaps adding digital watermarks to the photos' EXIF data or other metadata while uploading to the site would at least provide a tracking method to confirm they were stolen from here but anyone savvy enough could also sanitize that data before posting. Doesn't really solve the problem though. I don't think anything fully could.
How do you add Digital watermarks? I can add a watermark in photoshop.... but those are easily erased in photoshop.... Or EXIF Data?? Or MetaData??? not sure what that is in computer terms?? can you tell us all how that works or how to do it? Keep in mind not all of us are computer savy... Does metadata or exif data track photos online? how does it work?
posted 1 year ago
posted by: speedo_lovr
This is why I don't have my face on any pics and never will, nothing against those who do.
Same here. It would be nice to share my face, but you just never know where our pictures are ending up.