Teachers cycling shorts

How I got into Spandex
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posted 14 years ago
When i was in high school, there was a science teacher at my school who was a cyclist and rode to school everyday in a t-shirt and black cycling shorts, Mr S. In the mornings before the bell, our group of friends would sit opposite the room Mr S kept his bike in, so i would see him ride into school wearing his sweaty black cycling shorts, with a huge bulge! I used to get a hard on just staring at his ass and crotch while he wheeled the bike into this room. Now mind you, this little room joined up 2 classrooms, one of which was my biology room, and Mr S would often come into our class during prac work and help out. I could see where he kept his bike and shorts in the room as every time i would walk to biology, i could just manage to see through the tinted windows, his road bike, a silver giant, and those hot black cycling shorts laid out on the saddle with the chamois facing up. So one class, once my teacher had gone to photocopy some stuff, i walked over to the door of the storeroom and pretended to put something in the bin. I quickly opened the door and snuck in closing the door behind me. Walking over to his bike, i could see Mr S's shorts were well worn. They even had some stains in them were his bulge was :) I picked up the shorts and gave them a whiff, and god did they smell hot! But this time, i had to go back into the classroom as i was worried of staying in there too long. Walking out and quietly closing the door, no one really paid any attention thank god! So this was what got me into cycling gear. Whenever i could in classes, i would volunteer to get stuff from the storeroom just to smell and taste his bulged in shorts,and once in summer i got the opportunity to clean the storeroom for a whole session. I put on his shorts under my own school shorts (they were still sweaty when i put them on, as it was first period) and while cleaning the room, rubbed my rock hard cock in them. I had trouble keeping myself from cumming, but left them with pre-cum stains of my own :)I wanted to take them on the last day of school that year, but didn't. Biology was one of my favourite classes that year, i wonder why........

azrnrazrnr,Deleted userDeleted user,mileswilkes772mileswilkes772 liked this.

Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
That is one hot story...
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
wow man, that is one hot story!!! mmmmmmmmm, i can only imagine how your teacher's cycling shorts must've smelled that first time you smelled them. could you tell if he rode in the same pair of shorts everyday? when you say there were stains where his bulge was, what kind of stains are we talking about, precum on the spandex or ballsack dirt on the crotch pad?
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posted 14 years ago
posted by: cycledudeoc
wow man, that is one hot story!!! mmmmmmmmm, i can only imagine how your teacher's cycling shorts must've smelled that first time you smelled them. could you tell if he rode in the same pair of shorts everyday? when you say there were stains where his bulge was, what kind of stains are we talking about, precum on the spandex or ballsack dirt on the crotch pad?
mmmmmm they were great! He had 2 pairs of black shorts, only way i could tell the difference was that one had a blue chamois and the other yellow. The yellow ones were the older shorts (the ones i got to appreciate) and he wore them mostly. Definantly some precum stains on the lycra and some on the chamois form what i can remember, I was to busy with my nose in them ;)
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posted 14 years ago
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, man you gave me an instant hardon after reading your response! that's totally hot!!! i can only imagine what those shorts must've smelled like. all his hot precum stains and sweaty manstink in those shorts! did you ever lick his precum stains so you could taste his cockjuice? i'm starting to wonder if your teacher was a voyeur who got off on possibly seeing any other cyclists on his ride to/from school and/or an exhibitionist for always showing up to school in the mornings in his smelly bike shorts when lots of kids would see him. either reason could explain the precum stains, and then again, maybe he was like us and got off on the feeling of the spandex stretch around his body and rub against his cock. could you tell if he was gay, straight, or bi? also, did his shorts have any kind of logos on them so you could tell which pair he was wearing? sorry for so many questions, but i totally get off on stories like this!!! hmmm, maybe i should tell my own story ... in a separate thread, of course.

joopie86joopie86 liked this.

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posted 14 years ago
nice horny story
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
have i got a story!! I met up with my old teacher from school Mr S. I couldn't believe it. I bumped into him at the local shops. We talked for a bit, and ended up going for a ride the next day. He rocked up in the same black cycling shorts, with his cock bulging out as he used to. I got hard instantly (was wearing my Gary Fisher bib) even caught him looking at my bulge but thought nothing of it. We rode for a bit before stopping off the road on a small trail for a rest. The whole ride i was staring at his ass. We then started chatting again which is when he asked me if i had a lycra fetish. I was a bit shocked but said yes anyway. Suprisingly he said he did too which kind of shocked me!! Apparently he saw me sniffing his shorts once and said everytime i saw you, you were staring at my crotch, so i used to jerk off in my shorts just before i reached school. That would explain the hot cumstains i used to sniff. I was a bit embarrassed but rock hard and turned on at the same time. I told him how i wore them and jerked off in them and would sniff and lick his stains and crotch pad during class. He was shocked but getting horny too as he started rubbing his crotch. We sniffed and rubbed each others bulges before i started tasting his bulge in those cum stained shorts. Tastes even better with his cock in there :) We both came in our gear, and then swapped shorts for the rest of the ride. Cant stop sniffing my shorts now covered in his cum and man smells. Cant wait till our next ride!!

tamagocchiy2ktamagocchiy2k,Deleted userDeleted user,mileswilkes772mileswilkes772 liked this.

Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
right on, dude! now this is totally awesome and super hot! i bet he still looked good too, as he stays fit through cycling. plus, he's one of us: sports freak with a spandex fetish. totally hot!!! man, you're so lucky, i bet his shorts smelled so hot and stinky with his sweaty cock inside them, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! this is just too hot for words, i'm getting so turned on right now after reading this and remembering our conversations about him. i'm sure you buried your nose in his ripe, smelly, sweaty crotch pad full of his hot manstink and musky ballsac smells. and i can only imagine how it must've tasted. that's so hot that he saw you sniffing his shorts back then and that he used to cum in them just for you! i'd bet money that he hasn't yet washed his shorts cuz he enjoys smelling where your cock rubbed inside his shorts and any cum you jizzed in his shorts. dude, i can't wait to hear about your next ride with him too!
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posted 13 years ago
posted by: aj1983
have i got a story!! I met up with my old teacher from school Mr S. I couldn't believe it. I bumped into him at the local shops. We talked for a bit, and ended up going for a ride the next day. He rocked up in the same black cycling shorts, with his cock bulging out as he used to. I got hard instantly (was wearing my Gary Fisher bib) even caught him looking at my bulge but thought nothing of it. We rode for a bit before stopping off the road on a small trail for a rest. The whole ride i was staring at his ass. We then started chatting again which is when he asked me if i had a lycra fetish. I was a bit shocked but said yes anyway. Suprisingly he said he did too which kind of shocked me!! Apparently he saw me sniffing his shorts once and said everytime i saw you, you were staring at my crotch, so i used to jerk off in my shorts just before i reached school. That would explain the hot cumstains i used to sniff. I was a bit embarrassed but rock hard and turned on at the same time. I told him how i wore them and jerked off in them and would sniff and lick his stains and crotch pad during class. He was shocked but getting horny too as he started rubbing his crotch. We sniffed and rubbed each others bulges before i started tasting his bulge in those cum stained shorts. Tastes even better with his cock in there :) We both came in our gear, and then swapped shorts for the rest of the ride. Cant stop sniffing my shorts now covered in his cum and man smells. Cant wait till our next ride!!
yum did you get a photo of you and your sexy teacher in lycra, do you ride with him often. oh such a sexy story. How old is he,older than you maybe he is on this site
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posted 13 years ago
Greetings from Paris. With your profile and pictures, you are the successor, if not surpassing, of your teacher. Keep mailing photos to our visual titillation and delight.
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posted 13 years ago
Man that sounds so hot, and that he knew you were sniffing his shorts. Lucky guy :)