The ballett class (fiction)

posted 4 years ago
Recently I got some facebook messages from an old high school crush of mine. Sarah... She was tall slim and had long blue hair and shiny blue eyes. She was the hottest cheerleader I've ever seen. But back then I got friendzoned. She was in a relationship with the most successfull footballplayer - T.J.. I was smaller than her, slim and a bit nerdy so we could've never been a couple. After we left high school we've texted a few times but that chatting reduced from time to time until we haven't talked for years. But then I received follwoing messages: "Hey, Dany! How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while. I'm in town tomorrow cause im performing in a play. I have some tickets left. Wanna meet?" At first I was sceptical, but then i tought "Why not giving it a try? Maybe we can be friends again." - To be honest... I didn't have that much friends at this time so I was happy to get back in touch with her. Plus: Her facebook status is single. She performed in a ballet performance - The Swan Lake. She looked amazing in her leotard. I was hardly concentrating to not getting a boner but seeing her in that shiny leotard in combination with memories of the past made it realy difficult. After the play I went to the backstage area where she called me to her. "So how did you like it?" "It was amazing. Didn't knew you were into ballett." "Yeah! I wanted to try something diffrent than cheerleading and got into this. Wanna grab some drinks after I changed into something more casual?" "Yeah sure!" "Great, I'll be right back!" We went into a bar and talked about some high school memories and about our time after that. Later we went to my house and continued our talk. "So you are teaching a ballett class? That's cool! So what kind of class is it? Adult, youth or kids?" "I'm teaching adults. The people from that play are actually my pupils. Sadly Jean our only man will leave because he moves to germany for an other job. So we will be missing our male role." "Well... i guess it's difficult to get a man into ballett. Why don't you just let a woman play the male roles?" "No, It's not the same." "I wish I could help. Maybe there is another play with only female characters." "You could help. Why don't you join our club. You are slim and agile. And didn't you took some gymnastic classes as a child?" "That was long ago Sarah. I don't think I'd do great." "Ah come on, don't be shy. You helped me with some cheerleading moves back then. I'm sure you will do well. Join our training at least once. Just have a look at what our training is like. You can decide after that." "Mhhh..." "You know... I like men that have a faible for classical dance like ballett." she said with a wink while licking her lips. That was enough for me to aggree. "Ok. I'll just watch and decide after that." "Sure. Class starts tomorrow at 10 AM. Here is the address. Don't be late!" So I went to the class and arrived 10 minutes earlier. Sarah was outside while she was talking to someone on the phone. When she saw me she ended the call and called me over. "Good moring! Are you ready for the practice?" "I guess so. I am excited to see you teaching." "You'll be surprised!" she said while walking with me into the changing room. "Well I have to tell you something. You'll have to participate at the practice!" "Hey that was not the deal!" "I know. But the girls don't like spectators. So you have to be a part of it." "No... I don't want to" "Come on, it will be fun. Just a bunch of girls in leotards and you." Well that didn't sound so bad." "Ok, fine." "Okay get dressed. Here are some of my clothes. They should fit you." she handed my a blue shiny sports bag "What!? I have to wear womens clothes?!" "Don't worry man. It's just a leotard and some shorts. Thats nothing a man wouldn't wear! I need to get changed too." she went into the women locker room. Gladly I was the only man. I went into the men's locker room. Thinking about her and the clothes made me semi-hard. I opened the back and reached for the clothes. I pulled out a blue long-sleeved leotard (like this) and a matching pair of shorts (like this). They had a strange smell. I guess she has worn them already. Now my boner was fully hard. I completly undressen and put my legs into the leotard. While pulling it up the smell of Sarah got intense. I pulled it over my crotch area up to my chest and slid my arms into it. The leotard was very snug, smooth and stretchy. Back when I did gymnastics as a kid we never had to wear this kind of clothes. But i know what I've missed. I started to touch myself and the smooth material of the leotard. It felt so awesome. The fact that she wore it before me made it even better. My dick began to twitch. I totaly forgot the time when feeling me up. I started to leak precum when I heard Sarahs voiice that brrought me back to reality. "Dude, are you finished?" "Yeah, just a sec!" Oh shit.... How should i explain that precum. Shit shit shit... I thoughjt. I quickly pulled the tight shorts on and went into the training room. To my surprise it was empty. Just Sarah stood there in her purple shiny leotard and ballett tights (like this). "Wow! The leotards suits you!" "Where is everyone?" "It will be a special lesson just for you!" "What do you mean?" "You know... I always had a crush on you but I was so into guys and their spandex that i friendzoned you. That was a misstake. I was together with TJ just because he had the same kind of fetish that I have. But he was an asshole so i broke up with him." "And now?" "Well I needed to see if you still like me. But the fact that you are standing right in front of me inside my used trraining gear tells me you do." "Yes, I still like you. I was sad when you came togetherr with TJ. But tho we haven't talked to each other for years I always thought about you." "I guess you're thinking of me right now. You just got hard. You pervet. Let me have a look!" She came towarrds me and gave me a hug. "Can you forgive me?" she asked while grabbing my ass. "I think so!" We kissed deeply while playing with each others tongue. She started rubbing her crotch against my dick. "Seeing you in my leotard makes me so wet!" "It feels so awesome... Just like I am a piece of you!" "You will be mine!" she threw me onto the floor. She sat on my face while licking my dick through the tight shorts. I started to lick her salty clit through her leotard. She moaned full of delight and pleasure. After a few minutes she started to pull my shorts down and pulled the leotard aside. Then she started the best blowjob I have ever received. I pulled her leotard aside too and started to enter her pussy with my tonuge. We came nearly the same time. Sarah swallowed the cum while squirting into my face. "Ready for the next round?" She asked. I threw her onto the ground and got on top of her. "Hell yes!" I fucked her while sucking on her nipples. She moaned so loud i guess everyone outside could hear her but that didn't stop me. It took a few minutes and we both came again. We took some time to rest and did it a third time. "Well I guess you can count me in. I will join your club." "I guess you have the needed endurance. But I need to see how agile you are. And i know exactly how you can proof it to me..."
posted 4 months ago
Geile Story ... (Pia von Insta ...)

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 3 months ago
Fantastic story

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 3 months ago
So hot, what a dream come true!

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.