The unwanted soccer match

posted 3 years ago
This is a work of fiction! If you want a story written with your fetish just pm me ;-) Have a look at my other stories ;-) ======================================================= Hi, I'm Steven, 21 years old, 1,86 m and 75 KG. I'm working for a local government in a kind of boring job. My adventure started last year in the summer as a usual friday evening, when a colleague entered my office. "Hey Steve! Still here?" "Yeah but I'm leaving in a few minutes. What are you up to? Something planned for the weekend?" "Yes! The soccer team I'm coaching will play today. The soccer field is in another city so we will go there by our new team bus. They weren't able to play since the covid outbreak so everyone is hyped!" My Colleague Matthias was older than me, in his mid 30s. He talks about his team a lot. It's his first team and he seems to be realy proud of them. I wasn't realy interested in that. I don't care for soccer. The only sports I do is jogging and sometimes a bit swimming but that only to stay fit. Everytime he told some stories of his team and their training I just couldn't keep up because I have no clue about soccer so far and I told him regulary. But this didn't stop him from telling me everything. "I'm so excited too. This will be my first game with them! And what are you up to?" "Well nothing realy. I think I will order some pizza later and watch some movies." "Dude, you're young! Go out and get to know some girls! Or at least go party somewhere! You are missing out your entire life!" "Yeah, maybe... But" Then his phone rang and interrupted me. "Yes, one moment!" He said and went to his office. Meanwhile I answered a last mail, packed my stuff, turned the PC off and wanted to leave for the weekend. Suddenly Matthias entered my office room again. "Hey pal, you got a minute. I have a big favour to ask." "Sure!" "I got a call from My friend who called in sick so he can't assisst me with the game. I need someone to help me with coordinating the team. As you know they are around 18 to 20 so they are full of energy. I cant watch over all of them alone. Would you mind helping me out? Since you have no plans for today it won't cancel your plans" He said and winked at me. Even though he tried to look not that despeprate I knew he was. He and his team were so excited. "Well but I don't know anything about football! I don't think that I will be of any help..." "Don't worry, you just need to have a eye on these youngsters. So will you help me?" "I guess so!" "Thanks man! You're my... no the teams hero! Thanks! Then let's go! The bus will be there in 15 minutes!" "What? So I guess I can't go home and pack some things!" "No, sadly not. I told the team and the bus driver that our meeting point is here right around the corner of the office building. I wouldn't be able to be on the usual meeting point in time." "Ok, then." "I'm packing my things and then we have to go!" We left the office, walked straight around the corner to the main street and arrived at the bus just in time. The team was already there sitting in their uniforms (a black torquise set like this one, the shirt was realy tight and formfitting and the shorts were a bit looser but still tight, underneath they wore shiny torquise lycra shirts and shorts - some of them with short or long arms and legs but all of them were long enough to be seen) and cheering on Matthias. "Wow! Coach Anders! We thought you wouldn't make it!" one young lad screamed. "Sorry guys. but it realy was a close call. Jeff is sick sadly but we got some other support. "Hey, Mike! Is this your twin brother or what?" "What? Shut up man! I don't know this guy!" A young guy who had a similiar hair style, hair and skin tone seemed upset about this joke. "Not everyone that has short brown hair is related to me! This joke is stupid..." "Guys, stop it! Not again! You know Mike doesn't like this joke and to be honest, it is a realy lame joke!" "Sorry coach!" "You should appologize to Mike!" "Sorry Mike!" "This is Steven! He's a colleague from work and helps me today!" "As the team captain we realy thank you, Steven!" Mike said. "Sorry about that stupid joke they made. They are just pulling my leg because years ago I mistook someone else for my brother after a game. "Oh... eh, no problem!" "Let's all thank Steven for hiss support!" "Thank you!" The whole team screamed more than cheering. I blushed. I was not used to be in the middle of some happening but now there was a big group of people beeing thankfull. Matthias and I sad down and the bus started moving. We arrived the soccer ground in 30 minutes instead of the calculated 45 minutes. "Ok, guys! We have a bit more time on the hand than expected. Use it wisely and warm up!" The group of young men put their sports bags into a loker room and started jogging around the place. "Steve we are realy happy you're here with us to suport me! We realy barely made it. Some kids from the team called in sick too, so we are realy just the minimum of trainers and players." "You're welcome!" "Can you do me a first favor? I need to keep an eye on their warm up. Could you have a look at the looker rooms for me and ensure that they locked their bags properly. Some of them might just threw them in there. I don't want anything to be stolen." "Sure thing!" So I went to the locker room and looked around every corner and every bench but couldn't find any stray bag. After a few minutes I went back to Matthias. "I couldn't find any bag, coach!" I said. "Good! They finaly listened to me." Suddenly a player ran towards Matthias and looked stressed. "Coach, we have a problem. Mike just twisted his ankle!" "Shit! Where is he?" "Behind the buildung! I'll show you." Behind the building there were a few boulders that were ment to demarcate the soccer field with a tennis field. "What happened Mike?" "I was warming up here jumping on and off that boulders and triped!" "Are you out of your mind?" "I'm sorry!" Great, now we don't have a backup player. They won't let us play like this. The whole trip for nothing! I hope you are happy!" "I have an idea coach!" the other player said. "We joked about your colleague and Mike to look alike but they really do! What if we swap them out?" "That's a stupid idea!" Matthias said. "And we can't ask Steven to do this." Matthias looked realy sad and disappointed. "Or would you do us this favour?" I got nervous again. The whole team was relying on me. I don't like that kind of situations so I tried to get out of it. "Well I don't know anything about soccer nor can I play it. I wish I could but I won't be of any help." "You just need to sit on the bench! There is nothing more for you to do! You can sit on a bench, right?" the other player said. "Well... I can but..." Then it's decided! Take Mike with you and get changed!" "Thanks Steven! I owe you big time man!" I felt run over but I had no other choice. Mike leaned on to me and we got into the changing room. "Hey man! I'm sorry I dragged you into this!" "It's ok. You didn't do it on purpose" "Looks like this game is cursed. The second coach and some team members are sick and now this. Let's just get over with it." "Ok, so where do you have the spare uniforms?" "We don't have spare ones." "So what am I gong to wear?" "My uniform of course." He said and started undressing. "You are kidding me, right?" "Sadly not! C'mon... We need you! You said you'll help us so you can't let us down now!" "Well... ehhm...ok!" I started underessing only wearing my loose cotton boxers. "Man you can't wear this underneath!" "Why not?" "It will peak out of the pants and look stupid. Noone wears this boxers in sports. They usualy wear a jockstrap like this one" he Mike said while pointing at his underwear. "Just go without underwear. Some of the guys do that often." "But that would be disgusting! I can't freeball there!" "You won't Just put the compression shorts on and you're fine. It will be tight enough. As I said, most guys use them as underwear. You'll see, they are very comfortable." He pulled a traning jacket and pants out of his bag and pulled them on while I was still staring at his clothes. Then he switched into a pair of normal shoes and dropped his socer socks. "Come on and hurry up. The game starts in a few minutes! Just put your clothes inside my bag and get onto the field. Looks like the shoes will be a loose fit but you won't need to play anyways so you can ignore that." He said and left the locker room. I stepped out of my underwear and grabbed the short compression shorts. The felt still warm and silky. I have seen some people wearing these formfitting clothes but never wore them myself. I always liked loose clothing especialy at hot summer days like this one. I pulled them up my legs and noticed how tight they were but not too tight. As I pulled them up further they just stretched more and more encasing my tights and my croth. I thought I could feel it beeing a bit damp but i didn't knew if it was my sweat or his. And I didn't realy want to think about it any longer. I had to admit that the shorts felt not bad, especialy at my dick which reacted lively too as I grew a semi. It will go away in a few seconds I thought and grabbed the next thing. His torquise shiny compression shirt. It looked like one or two sizes too small but i remembered the pants beeing very stretchy and Mike was about the same size as I. As I slipped it over my head I smelled a sweet scent. I was a mixture of his axe bodyspray and something else. As the shirt slid over my body I noticed a wet feeling on my back and chest. As I slid my arm through i noticed that the armpits were alkso wet. I tried to stop thinking about it. Instead I was fascinated how soft the shirt felt on my body while clinging tight to me, just like a second skin. I was totaly lost in that new sensation as I heard Matthias voice in the locker room. "You ok Steve? You've got only 3 minutes left!" "Yeah I'll be there in a sec!" I said and grabbed the jersey and pulled it on. It was tight on the lycra but slid aroud like some oil in a coated pan. As i pulled it down my body I noticed my hard nipples that were visible through my shirts. Shit! As I grabbed the shorts and pulled them up i noticed that my semi was still there too. I tried to rearrange it and cover it up with the shorts. They were a bit more loose around the waist so it was at least harder to notice my bulge. I had no time left and grabed the socks. I could smell a fine typical foot scent but nothing too bad. I slid them on, then the shoes and laced them as tight as I could so I won't loose them. They werent that big but maybe one size bigger than mine. I stuffed my clothes into the bad and put them into an open locker. Then I went to my now new teammates. I quickly sat down besides Matthias to hide my still intact boner. The referee looked at me and then to Matthias. "So everyone's here now?" the referee asks. "Yes! We can start the game now." Everyone entered the field and the referee blew the whistle. Time went by but my semi was still there. Every movement made the uniform slither around spandex clothing. That silky tight encasing feeling made my dick harder and harder. I was confused as I didn't know why this happend. At the 27th minute our team scored the first goal. Everyone screamed and cheered for scorer. I found my self jumping from the bench and then jumping up and down while cheering on the team. That made the silky material just glide more and more over my nipples and my glans. As i felt my dick starting to twitch I immediatly sat down again and tried to focus. The first halftime was over and our team was leading 1:0. Matthias made a big speach about the great teamwork and passion. Everyone seemed more motivated than before. The second half began. The other team seemed hyped up too. They started playing "verry agressive" as Matthias said. Then at the minute 70 it happend the enemy scored a goal, so it was even now. That must have pumped them up even more. They took the ball with so much force that it was barely allowed. Matthias got nervous. Somehow I started to carry along. At the 85th minute the enemy tried to scora a goal with a header. One player blocked it with his head. The ball flew away and both with their head against each other and fell down. The referee and some first responder checked the players. "Shit!" Matthias said and ran towards the hurt players. I got up to follow him but after a few steps I was remembered why I didn't get up for a long time. The shorts and the jersey started rubbing my sensitive parts again over that damp tight and silky lycra. But I couldn't just stand there and watch from the distance. I was playing my role as a teammate so I hade to go there. I felt my dick getting harder but as I looked down for a second it seemed to point upwards so that it knid of vanished inside of a wrinkle of the shorts above. I just needed to focus on not getting bigger or even cumming. I couldn't really figure out why i was that horny but I couldn't change it. As I reached Matthias I could hear the referee say "They seem to have a concussion but nothing too serious. Still they won't be able to play any further." They will go with the first responders to get checked properly. Just get your backup players on the field and we can get this game on. "Oh my Lord!" Matthias said. "Steve, do you think you can do this?" "I don't know... I'm really bad at soccer!" "OK, let me give you some advice. What is your stronger leg?" "The right one I guess." "OK! You aim with your left foot. The ball should go where the tip of your shoe points to. Then you'll kick the ball with the inner side of your right foot along your left foot. Youst kick it into the side of the enemy team. If you kick the ball with the tip of your foot it will be harder to aim but you'll get more power. Thats the basics. Don't worry! You can do it!" "I'll try!" I tried to focus more on the game and what was happening and ignored the strange behaviour of my dick. Just five minutes to play. I just ran with the ball. My teammates tried to avoid playing the ball to me. The running and sometimes sudden change of directions made not only the compression clothes shorts and jersey slide and rub against me, now even my dick moved around and pressed more and more against the material as it got harder. my clothes were now wet and felt even tighter. But it seemed noone realy noticed. They were so focused on the game. Even the enemies ignored me as they might have noticed that I never had the ball. In the last minute we made an last attack and ran towards the enemy goal. My teammates were covered by the enemies and I was the only one that was free. So someone played the ball - I guess accidently - towards me. I tried to aim at the goal and just kicked the ball. It flew towards the goal and hit the inside of the top left corner an then flew right into it. My team screamed out loud of happiness as the referee blew his whistle. The whole team on the field ran towards me and hugged me tight while jumping up and down. They were rubbing their bodys encased in that silky shiny clothing against me and each other. My dick got even harder that before and started twitching violently. I tried to focus and calm down. After a few second they got back to the field. The last minute of the game went by and as the referee blew his whistle a last time it was decided. We actually won. Matthias gathered us together and told us how great everyone was. That we turned this seemingly cursed game into a victory and how proud he was. Then we went back to the locker room to shower and get changed. Mike limped up to me and said "Wow, great job man! It was like watching myself win this game from distant but it was actually you! Maybe you do look a bit like me." "Thanks! I couldn't believe it myself. But I'm happy I was able to help. Now I just want to get a shower and out of this clothes. Do you have some soap or something so I can clean my self up." "Yeah I got some in my bag. Where did you put it?" "Into the locker number seven." "Whats the combination?" "1-4-2-9" He rattled at the lock but nothing happened. "You sure bro? Doesn't move a bit!" "Yes, I am!" I went to the locker and tried it myself. Nothing happend. "Can you get the groundsman? He should be able to help. His office is right around the left corner." "Sure!" Meanwhile as I left the changing room the other teammates left the shower and changed already. As I reached the office i knocked at the door and a middleaged man opened the door. "What can I do for you?" "Excuse me but i put my stuff into the locker number seven but we can't open it anymore." "Oh, yes. this one is a bit tricky. I guess I should close this one. Well get your things in a blink of an eye!" He followed me into the locker room and fumbled on the lock. After a few minutes the lock opened. "Thanks!" Mike and I said simultaneously. The groundsman smiled and went away. Mike grabbed his back on got some soap and a towel. "Lets go! I'll show you the shower room!" "Shouldn't I get undressed before?" I asked feeling my semi hard again as I walked around. "No need to. You can undress there. As we walked into the shower room it was completly empty. "So you really enjoyed your time, huh?" "Well it was fun, I have to admit that. But soccer is not just my kind of sport." "I mean the uniform not the sport, silly!" "What do you mean?" "You think I didn't notice your bulge in my clothing. Are you some kind of weirdo? Was it the fact that I wore this clothes before?" "No, I don't know what you mean!" I tried to back up from him and he led me to one of the showers. "Or was it he silky feeling of the clothes sliding around your handsome body?" I was shocked and blushed. How did he knew? Did he just say handsome? I started getting confused. Mike urged me into a shower cabin. "So It's like this, huh?" He said and pressed his left flat hand againt my erect cock and started fondling it through the uniform and the lycra. "Pretty hard if you ask me! Looks like you're enjoying it. No need to deny the facts!" His right hand roamed unnderneath the jersey and glided around my abs up to my chest and until he found my nipples and pinched them. "Let me thank you in my own special way, Steve! You really helped me out so I need to repay my debt." he said. Then his face came closer to mine and I could smell this sweet mixture of axe and his sweat. He then started kissing me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I moaned as his kisses and his stroking got more powerful. Then he grabed my ass and pushed my groin towards him. He started grinding his cock against mine as he sucked and licked his way from my neck to my nipples. The feeling of his big pulsating cock massaging my lycra encased dick made me leak precum in an instant. I moaned again as I was close to reaching the climax as he stopped. "We can make this even better. Wet lycra feels even better you know!" he pulled his shoes off and kicked them out of the shower, then turned the shower on. The clothes soaked up the water and got heavier. It felt like they were clinging even more to my body and the water made the clothes look shinier than before. The wet clothes slid even more on the lycra. Mike slid his pants and his jockstrap down, turned me around and pushed his enormous dick up between my ass cheeks on the shorts. "Oh fuck, your ass is really soft!" His dick was twitching and pulsating for excitement. I could feel every inch of his body pressing against my as he breathed heavily into my ear on my body. Then he pushed my legs together and slid his cock between my legs und pushed it up against my balls. I could see his long and thick dick pocking out under my shorts. He then pushed hhis dick through the leghole into the compression shorts, grabbed our dicks through both shorts and rubbed them together while his left arm reached around me massaging my nipples. His strong and tight grip on his lycra paired with his pulsating cock felt so erotic on my dick. I could watch my bule getting even bigger. I've never seen it so big and pulsating. It just took a few moments for us to explode inside the shorts as we both let out a huge moan. He pulled his dick out and asked "Ready for round two?". He undressed, reached into the back pocket of his training pants and pulled a condom out of it. He smiled at me and looked his still errect cock and my bulge. "Well looks like it!" he said with a smirk in his face." The cum inside my shorts made them even slickier than before. "I'll let youexperience a way to cum you might have never tried before!" he said as he wrapped the condom around his large dick. "Please give my my shoes and my socks!" I took the shoes and the socks off and handed them to Mike. He stuffed one sock into each shoe and smelled at the right one. "That's it! Our scents combined smell so hot. Not just the uniform even the shoes and socks. Just inhale it!" Mike pushed the left shoe right into my face. I couldn't describe the scent. It was sweet but had this masculine touch. I got goosebumps. Somehow I kind of enjoyed that smell. After a few seconds he took the shoe away from me. He started smelling on my uniform, the chest, the armpits abd then the abs. He started to lick my abs down untill he reached my cock. He pushed his mouth around the bulge and started licking it fiercly as he moved his mouth up and down. "Ohhh, I can smell our cum through the shorts" he said as he started sucking on my bulge. He swallowed every bit of liquid he sucked through it. Then he turned me around again. "Ok, lets go! I'm so horny." He pulled the shorts down my but and poked it with his enormous condom-wrapped dick. "No way! It's too big man. You will tear me apart!" "No, trust me! It will fit. Just enjoy it!" Then he pushed his cock right into me. I could feel his pulsating manhood pushing deep inside me. Inch by inch I got more filled up with his throbbing meat. My dick got harder as he pushed it in deeper and deeper. As his dick was completly inside I could feel his shaved balls touching my ass and I came real hard into the shorts as I moaned. "Did you just came again? How weak. Well I'm not done yet." Now he started fucking my ass pushing his dick in and out slowly at the start but his speed incresed from time to time. "Oh, you're so tight. Is this your first time getting fucked in the ass?" "Ye-eh-eh-esh!" Was the only thing I was able to say. "You know, I still have these shoes. I guess i will use them too." I totaly forgot about them. He pulled the shorts and compression shorts a bit down so I was still wearing them but my erection came out. Then he wrapped my dick into the sock of the right shoe and pushed it into the shoe. The wet sock and shoe combination felt like a mastubator. He pressed the other shoe right into my face as he continued to fuck me.He pressed his head aside mine licking and socking on my neck as he occasionaly sniffed at the jersey. I felt heat building up inside me as I came a few minutes later., moaning into the shoe. Seconds later I could feel him cumming too as he moaned "Oh shit yes!" He pulled his dick out, backed up, tumbled and fell on his ass. "Wow, that was intense! I totaly forgot about my ankle!" He said as he started giggeling. "So, were even now?" "Yes, I guess so! Thanks for the repayment!" I said. "This was the best sex I had man. Not gonna lie!" I said. "I feel the same! But enough with the chat. The others are waiting for us so we should get showered and dressed. "But what are you going to wear? Your training suit and your jersey are wet!" "Well... How should I say that...? I am going to wear my back up uniform." "You're what?" Mike smiled at me. "Everyone has a spare Uniform silly. It's just in the side pocket of my bag." "You have what!?" No time to argue about it, hurry up now before someone starts looking for us. We got showered and dressen as fast as we could. I was finaly back into my usual clothes but somehow I missed the uniform and how it felt. As we reached the bus Matthias came up to us. "There you are! We need to take a group picture of this beautiful day! I asked the groundsman to take it for us." "Sorry we kept you waiting! I hope you didn't worry!" "No problem. The groundsman told me what happed." Mike and I looked shocked at each other. Has he found out about our funtime? "He will repair the locker so this won't happen again. Now let's take that photo!" The team gathered in front of a goal on the soccer field as I watched from the distance. "He, we want the whole team on the photo!" Matthias screamed in my direction. "Come on Steve! You are a honorary mebmer so we need you on this picture, too!" I smiled and went back to the team as I stood right besides Mike. He put his arm around me as we smiled into the camera. After a series of photos we went back to the bus. I sat down next to Matthias. He smiled at me "Seems like the team likes you." "I guess so!" I said. "This was realy fun." "Glad to hear!" "Do you need more active players? Maybe I coulod join your team, if thats ok with you and the team." "Sure! We always need some good players! We train every Monday and Wednesday. I'd be glad if you'll join us." "Then he'll need some of our uniforms!" Mike said who sat right behind us. "You're right. I'll order them tomorrow." "Until then he can have my spare ones! So everyone knows he's part of the team!" Mike said. "How nice of you, thanks!" Matthias said as Mike winked at me. "Guys!" Matthias said as he stood up. "We got a new member in our team! Please welcome Steve!" Loud cheering came from all other seats. "How about I'll give you some special training until the next game day?" Mike said to me as he liked his lips!" "That would be great!" I said with a smile.
Last edited: 3 months ago
posted 3 years ago
Fucking HOT story...I think. I still have yet to finish it. ;)

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Yeah keep going…sounds like the story doesn’t need an ending!

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 3 years ago
really hot

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 3 months ago
I remember this one! I love how the boy gets bullied into wearing the lycra uniform but he secretly loves it...

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 3 months ago
So good. :)

Peiniger1Peiniger1 liked this.

posted 3 months ago
Replaced the dead link with a new one ;-)