
posted 3 years ago
This is a sequel to my story "Swimming season" and also a work of fiction. I hope you'll enjoy! Please have look at my other stories too! If you want me to write a story with your kink or fetish, just tell me! ============================================= I unlocked the car door and sat down. I just needed a few moments to realise what just happened. Somehow my situation changed from only wearing a strangers worn swimsuit underneath my clothes to beeing stuck in my perverted girlfriends worn full female outfit with fake breasts sticking on me. Thinking about this made me grew hard again. Juliettes swimsuit (like that picture1 picture2 picture3 picture4) was still damp on me. Her dress (like that) and black stockings covered the erection quite good but that vibrating egg thing was still inside me. I needed to go home to get it out. What if someone sees you like that, huh? They'll think you are a pervert Debbie! What? No, I'm Damon! Great... Now I'm giving myself female names... The best thing to do is to wait until it gets dark before I go home. The chances of meeting my neighbors and them recognizing me will be lower. What to do in the free time? Didn't Juliette said that I should get used to this stuff like beeing dressed up? Maybe I could go shopping. Noone will notice me in the crowd and I can get used to be walking around dressed up in Juliettes clothes. Unconsciously my hands felt up her erotic clothes I was wrapped in making my dick pressing against the tight lycra. After a few moments I realised what I was doing and stopped before I would cum. Dude, seriously... You need to calm down. Get a hold of yourself! I started the car and drove to the next shopping mall. At first I hesitated to get out of the car, but for Juliette I would do anything. So I gathered all my courage and got out. I locked the car on the parking deck and went straight to the shops. The first store that caught my eye was a sports store. On my way there I noticed some people staring at me. Did they notice? Are they going to report that a pervert is walking through the shops? Ok, Damon. There is nothing to worry! We live in times where LGBTQI* is completely acceptable. They can't report you! Maybe it's just the color of you clothes. Yes, you first thought was that you won't be noticed in the crowd but a shiny metalic blue dress does stick out quite a bit. Lost in toughts I bumped into a guy at the store entrance. "Oh, sorry! I was lost in thoughts!" I said in a girly voice. "No problem! Are you ok?" "Yes, thanks!" As I entered the store I heard this guy say to someone that must have been a friend "Dude! Have you seen this gorgeous girl?" "Sure! Just look at her fucking sexy tits and legs. It looks like she doesn't even wear a bra!" "I wish I could bump into her!" Somehow I felt proud and smiled. Wow, they think I'm hot! It's just as Juliette said. I really might have an impact on others... So now I was looking for the swimming secction. If I do look like a girl I can shop like a girl and I was curious about other swimsuits. It just took a few seconds until I saw the swimsuits and went straight to them. I felt like I was in heaven. Hundreds of swimsuits. Some of them were kinda boring unicolored ones. But some of them looked intresting. I grabed a black and grey shiny Adidas suit (like this: front back). It felt silky and revealed the shoulders and the back. I needed to try it on, but I wanted to take more suits with me. I found another sexy Adidas swimsuit. This time I took a black high neck suit with mesh in the stomach area (like this). Like the other swimsuit it felt silky and smooth. As I looked at their material mix I saw that they are both made mostly out of nylon. I wanted to try other materials as well. I found some sexy looking suits from Arena that were revealing at the back and even the sides (like this: suit1front suit1back, suit2front). Sadly they were made only of polyester and didn't feel that good. Luckily I found a similiar suit (like this: inner outer) that could be worn reversible and felt nice. Because you could wear it on both sites there was no lining or anything to ruin the silky feeling so I took it with me. I made my way to the fitting room. I could hear my heart beat in excitement. Sadly every fitting room was occupied so I had to wait. Two girls were in line before me. I glimpsed at the clothes they wanted to try out. All these girls wanted to try on new swimsuits, some of them were shiny sexy swimsuits and some were skimpy bikinis. Imagining the women in these clothes made me swell up again pressing my dick against the restraining silky material of Juliettes swimsuit. Then a door opened and a beautiful young woman rushed out. She wore a dark shiny green sport leggings and a matching crop top (like this pic1 pic2 pic3). She was as big as me, had really long blonde hair and her body was very well defined. Her abs, her arms, her legs... The whole body looked like they where chiseled out of marble by an ancient greek stonemason. Her errect nipples were clearly visible through her skintight top. She seemed to be nervous and in a hurry as she was looking on the ground while left the fitting room quickly. She moved so weird and quickly that I couldn't get out of her way so she crashed right into me and we both fell on the ground. "Oh, I'm really sorry!" She said as she pressed her huge breasts against my face. I could smell her fruity sweet perfume that she must have applied on her breast area as well. As she tried to get up she pushed her upper body up and pressed her ass on my crotch. My errect dick was now pressing right into her ass crack. I could feel her warmth and dampness through our lycra onto my dick and it started to fully grow. With her last movements she slid up and down on my dick and chlenched her buttcheeks as if she was trying to feel and grab my cock with her ass. She finaly got up and reached for my hand to help me get up. I grabbed her hand and pressed the swimsuits against my crotch to cover up the errection in fear someone might have seen it. "I'm fine, don't worry about it!" "What a relieve, OK. Bye!" the unknown girl said as she winked at me and licked her lips. Then she left quickly. Damn, Damon! Did she notice? Shit! She must have felt it! She's not dumb! Anyone could've felt that big errection. That's it for you! She will report that and you will be arrested for sexual assault! But, she crashed into you! So technicaly you did nothing wrong... Maybe she was the one assaulting you. She nearly raped you with her ass. You could say it was an ass-ault... But damn this girl looked hot! And her outfit was sexy as well! I somehow got lost in thoughts until one of the two girls right in front of me got me back. "Excuse me! We are both waiting for a friend. You can use that fitting room!" "Oh, thanks!" I said in a girly voice. I entered the room that hot chick left seconds ago. I could still smell her perfume in there. I put the swimsuits that I took with me on the hooks on the wall of the fitting room and took my shoes off as I noticed something shiny underneath the bench. As I picked it up I realized that it was another swimsuit. But it was different. It looked like it was made out of rubber and felt a little bit sticky but still smooth from the outside. It looked erotic (like this). But why was it underneath the bench. I examined the suit and noticed a wet spot inside the suit around the crotch area also I could smell that girls perfume again coming from that suit. I felt like a perverted Sherlock Holmes as I put all the evidence together... The wet spot in the suit, the smell of that girls' perfume, her hard nipples as she rushed out of the fitting room, the erotic look at her face when she crashed into me, her dampness and the fact that she left the fitting room without clothes she wanted to try on indicate that she wore that suit and masturbated in it. As she came, she got nervous, threw the suit underneath the bench and left in a hurry. So you are holding her cum soaked suit man... You know exactly what to do! I peeled myself out of Juliettes hot dress, swimsuit and tights combination and slipped into that suit. The wet spot was bigger than I imagined as the warm moist material cling tightly around my whole dick. I moved my hips to rub my glans against that love juice soaked area. My nipples started to tingle but as I tried to massage them I just grabbed my fake boobs. So I massaged them and felt up my whole body imagining how that hot woman touched herself in that suit. I was already leaking precum but I couldn't stop now. My horniness took the better of me. I moved my hips stronger and started touching my dick. Then I remembered the egg thing I still had inside my ass. I pushed it a bit deeper inside me and pulled it out a bit again. This must be how it feels to get fucked. Just like I fucked Juliette. I increased the speed and started strocking my dick. Then I grabbed Juliettes swimsuit and pressed it against my face to take in her scent combined with the smell of chlorine and my cum. It was like an ecstatic wet dream. After a few moments I shot a huge load into that swimsuit. I could feel it shooting up to my tits, dripping down my stomach. Shit! What were you thinking you horny monkey? What now? I looked inside the bag Juliette gave me. Maybe there were some tissues in it. Yes! There were some! I took that cum stained swimsuit off and tried to get it and me as clean as possible. But there were still visible stains. The only way to get away with it was to buy the suit. I knew it was expensive but worth it because of that hot girl who came into it. I slipped into Juliettes clothes again and grew a semi as her clothes enveloped me into that tight silky cocoon of horniness. Happily the dress covered my errection up. I rolled the dirty swimsuit up so that the stains weren't visible, grabbed the other swimsuits and got out. I just wanted to hang the other suits on the unwanted clothes rack, pay and get out but as soon as the clothes hung I felt that egg thing in my ass to start vibrating. Oh Lord, almighty! I thought as I let out a small girly moan and tumbled against a rack with bikinis. Shit! Your dick is leaking precum again! Just walk it off and try to stay focused. I walked aimlessly around the store. I felt like some girls and boys were looking at me as if they knew what was going on. Did they notices? Shit! I could explode any minute now! How emberassing... Everyone will know that I'm a pervert... After a few moments that felt like an eternity the vibrator finaly stopped. OK... You got it! Now hurry up to the self checkout and then we can go home! On my way to the checkouts I found myself in the ballet and gymnastics section. It was filled with frilly shiny leotards. Sleeveless suits, longsleeved suits, catsuits, matching shorts and tights. Wow! These clothes look amazing! Just when I wanted to explore it, I received a WhatsApp message from Juliette: "You liked that short anal session? You know, I can activate it from everywhere... I tracked your smartphone and noticed you were inside a shopping mall. I want to see what you bought. I hope It's something girly *kissemoji* This time we'll meet at your place! Send me the address!" Wow! She relly cracked my phone to spy me? What have I gotten myself into? Well at least you got something really sexy. Maybe she'll like it. And maybe I should get a leotard as well, so we both can try on something new. I texted her my adress and went straight for the gymnastic suits. I reached for a sleek shiny longsleeved leotard I thought looked erotic (like this: pic1 pic2) when suddenly another hand grabbed that suit. It was the hand of that mysterious swimsuit girl. "Oh, it's you again! Sorry for what happened earlier. Are you really ok? You look a bit dazed." Oh my god! Is she following me? I got nervous as I was still holding the swimsuit she came in. Keep calm man! Just keep it cool! Maybe she won't notice! "I'm fine, thanks!" "Ok, then. No need to play the hard guy, you know!" "What?" Fuck!!!! She did notice!!! Oh my god! What am I going to do? I started to panic and my head got red in an instant. She came real close and sniffed at me. "Mhhh... You smell soo good!" "Ehhm thanks..." I said with my girly voice trying to act cool. "I like your dress as well... It's so shiny, sleek and tight! It nearly shows everything..." She licked her lips and put her hands on the collar of my dress, then her hands traveled down to my breasts squeezing them, then they went further down stroking my flat muscular abs. "What do we have here? What a nice pack you got there!" As her hands went further down nearly reaching my still pretty hard dick I stepped back. She looked a bit dissappointed at first but smiled at me and said "A hesitant one are we? Don't you want me to make you feel good? Believe me, I can!" Suddenly a ringtone seemed to interrupt her little petting session and save me. "Oh... I need to go! I got some business to take care of. I hope we'll met again sweety!" She took that suit with her and left. I was still confused about what happened. OK, screw this! This is definitely the weirdest day you ever had. Just take your things and go! So I went straight to the self checkout, scanned the swimsuit, paid and got out. On my way through the store and to my car I felt like all people were gazing at me again but something felt different. Somehow it wasn't that unpleasant anymore. I started to feel more confident as both men and women seem to enjoy my female appearance. I enjoyed the thought that I could make guys hard and women wet. Finally I arrived at my car and searched for my car keys inside my purse. Suddenly I felt a hand at my waist gliding down to my ass. I turned around in anger. A young lad, somewhere between 18 and 20 years old smiled at me as some other guys the same age stood a few meters behind him and giggled. He wore a soccer jersey of a local team and some sweat pants. "Hey sweety! Sorry for my pushy behaviour but you look so gorgeous that I had to see if you are real." What a stupid asshole! I thought. Seems like this guy wants to prove himself as the alpha male of this group. Maybe it's a dare. I was in a rush of confidence so I thought I can have my fun as well. "Oh yes, I am real!" I said in a girly erotic voice. "Do you need any further proof? Go on! Touch me!" I bumped my fake breasts against his chest and he grabbed and rubbed them. I could hear his gang scream "Oh shit dude! He is going straight to the second base!" "Yo, man, this is insane!" They were cheering him on. "Wow! Your tits are amazing! And your not even wearing a bra!" "What should I say? It would be a shame to hold them prisoners don't you think? And if I'm honest, I'm a bit naughty!" I winked at him. He smiled back. "Why don't do you go a bit further down?" His hands traveled my abs. "Wow! You seem to be very fit!" "Sure! I do a lot of sports! It helps me staying fit and flexible..." His hands went further and caressed my hips. Somehow I enjoyed it and my dick got hard again. Now, lets finish him right in front of his gang! I thought. "I guess it's my turn now, boy!" I said as I pressed my hand against his chest. It was firm and muscular. "Wow! What a manly chest!" I went further down to feel his flat muscular abs. "Hey, you're pretty athletic as well!" "Thanks! I go to the gym every day! And I play soccer." "Then let's see what else you have to offer!" My hands went further down to his sweat pants. My hand went straight to his dick which was hard and pulsating. "Not bad! You seem to like this, don't you?" "Awwww shit! Yes, I do!" I stroke it for a few moments feeling it twitching more and more, then I stopped, maybe right before he came. "Where are my manners? I went to far and thats unfair. Why don't you just look what I have to offer?" I shook my hips to signal him that I want him to feel me up down there. His left hand grabbed me right around my waist pulling me closer to him. I rested my hands on his chest preparing to shove him away. His right hand traveled back to my abs gliding down the skirt. He pushed it up a bit and pressed his flat hand against my hard dick. Within milliseconds his face changed and he looked shocked. I pushed him away and he made a few steps back. "What the fuck! He screamed as he walked backwards in disbelieve and regrouped with his friends. I now spoke with the deepest voice I could make "What's wrong? Didn't you enjoy it? To sad mine is bigger than yours!" I laughed, unlocked my car and got in. I could hear his friends laugh at him for falling for a tranny. "You sick pervert!" He yelled. As I drove past them I saw a wet stain in his pants. Wow! he even came! Guess that's it for him. He will never regain his status after I made him cum. A few moments passed as this thought hit me again. Dude, you made a guy cum. Are you gay? Are you bi? You seemed to enjoy it! Nah, it was just rather the situation that was kinda hot and not making this guy cum. And it was Debbie who had the fun, not me. It got dark and I was finaly home. I parked the car and looked out for some neighbours. As I couldn't see anyone I grabbed my shopping bag and dashed to the door. I threw my shopping bag on the floor and took a deep breath. Puh, you did it! That was a close call! My doorbell rang. It had to be Juliette. I opend up and there she was, dressed in a tight strapless turquoise dress (Like this). "Good! You really are still dressed in my clothes!" "Come in!" We both got to the living room and sat on my couch. "So? How did you feel walking around dressed like that?" "Well at first I was frightened. But after some time I got used to it and it started to feel good." "Any sexual encounters?" "What? Errrm... I..." Is this a trick question? Shit. Will she get envious or angry if I tell her? Luckily for me the doorbell rang again and saved me - at least I thought so. "Ah, there she is. I invited another friend of mine. Thats fine I guess, right? She wanted to meet you!" "No, thats ok!" Juliette went to the door and let her in. Jackpot, baby! I wonder how hot her friends are... Maybe she is as perverted as Juliette. My dick grew semi as I thought about having sex with two girls. Juliette came back into the living room. "So, this is May! I think you'll get along!" I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw her firend. Am I having a stroke? Am I hallucinating? What the hell! May was the girl I met in the shopping centre. She still wore that green sports outfit. "No fucking way!" May screamed. "You're that girl from the shopping mall! I mean... guy, as Juliette told me. But I never thought it would be you! You looked so... girly and hot!" Juliette looked surprised. "So you know each other?" "Yeah!" May said. "We met in the shopping mall in a sports store. I ran her over as I left the dressing room and later we met at the gymnastics section again." "Wow! What a coincidence. I mean, what are the odds?" They both giggled. I was still confused. "Come on! Now show us what you bought!" Ohh my god... You bought the swimsuit her girlfriend came into... You can't show it... "Well... It's nothing really special. Do you really want to see it?" "Sure!" "Ok! If she's not going to show it I'll get the shopping bag and do it. I walked past it in the hallway." She got up and ran to retrieve the bag. "She is full of energy isn't she?" Juliette asked and laughed. She came back and threw the bag to Juliette who opened it and inspected the suit. "Wow, that's a hot swimsuit! Why didn't you show me?" "Maybe because it's the swimsuit I tried on in the shopping mall and masturbated in it?" May said. Juliette laughed again. "Really, Debbie? Is that true?" I was ashamed and looked down as I admitted "Well... Yes! It was so hot that I even came into it. And because It was stained I needed to buy it." I expected them to laugh but they didn't. Juliette smiled at me and May licked her lips. "You really got yourself a precious one there, Juliette!" "Thanks! Actually I found him because he stole my swimsuit while wearing it! It was kinda obvious as the high neck was showing out of his shirt. Now he's wearing one of my favourite swimsuits underneath that dress. We both came into it so it's kind of special now!" "Oh, I remember wearing your stuff. I wish I could do it again!" "Why not? Debbie's worn it long enough. You can just switch! I'm going to try on that naughty swimsuit. Oh, and Debbie. Please remove and clean the vibrator!" I undressed gave my clothes to May and went to the bathroom to free myself of that egg vibrator and clean it. As I came back into the living room May was already dressed in the swimsuit, dress and stockings and Juliette wore that shiny black swimsuit. Both outfits revealed their already errect nipples. "Here! Put it on!" May handed me her green shiny sport clothes. I slipped into the leggings which felt silky tight and damp. As the leggings was High waisted I could pull the waistband right underneath my belly button. It was a really tight fit. My errection was fully visible. Next I put on the crop top. It was also a tight fit and rubbed against my nipples as I moved. "It fits you perfectly, Debbie!" May said. "Damn, can this guy pull off any outfit?" "It seems so!" Juliette said, as she arranged her boobs inside the swimsuit. "Damn! Your outfit is hot Juliette! This swimsuit is so silky and this dress sliding on it feels so awesome! I can't keep my hands to me!" May said as she felt up her whole body. "You got the vibrator, Debbie?" "Yes, here!" I handed her the vibrator. "May, come here! This is for you!" "Oh, sweet!" Juliette got behind her, raised the dress and pushed the swimsuit aside as she pushed the vibrator inside her ass. As She slowly pushed it in I could observe something moving in Mays croth area. What the... Did she already put another vibrator or dildo inside her? But would it be moving and expanding? No... Is this a dick? The questions in my head were answered in an instand as May said "Oh yes. I'm already leaking precum!" "You are a guy?" I yelled in disbelieve. "Well yes... Aren't you a guy too?" "Well yes, but..." "Debbie! You will behave! And you will get along with May!" Juliette said in a angry voice. I didn't want to make her angry, so I apologized "Yes, I will. I'm relly sorry Juliette! And I'm sorry May!" "Wow, he's cute and so well trained!" May said and approached me. "Let me make up for this confusion!" He threw me onto my couch and sat on my dick. "You know... I think we should continue where we stopped at the mall." May rubed his ass against my cock clenching her ass cheecks to get a tighter grip. Her hands massaged my chest. "Your pecs feel so good inside this top! Mhh!" Juliette watched us rubbing herself through the swimsuit. After a few more strokes he laid down on me rubbing his dick against mine. "Have you ever felt a spandex covered dick against you lycra covered dick? It's called frotting and it's super hot!" I could feel every inch of his massivly grown cock against mine as the lycra increased the slippyness. I let out a small girly moan. "Oh yeah! You seem to enjoy it as well." She smiled at me and increased the speed. "Lets take it a step further!" Juliette said as she grabbed her phone and turned the vibrator on. I could feel the vibration through May on me. She moaned really loud and came after a few seconds. The cum soaked right through her clothes on me. "Wow! That was intense!" She said. "But you still didn't came Debbie! Here, I'll show you a secret!" She fiddles at the seam of the the tights and opened a little hole. "I did some modifications on that outfit, like this open seam. It's for... special occasions!" She pulled my dick out of that hole and started sucking on it. Her tongue wildly moved around my dick, licking every part of it. She pushed it deeper and deeper giving me the deepthroat I always wanted. After a few moments I Shot a huge load inside her mouth but she swollowed every drop. "Mhh... Thanks for the meal! It was delicious!" "Now it's my turn!" Juliette said. "I don't want to only play with myself if two of my sissy slaves have their fun!" She sat down on the couch and pushed her swimsuit aside revealing her shaved wet pussy as she spread her legs. "Come on, Debbie! Fill me up!" May grabbed my dick from behind and slipped a condom on it. "Keep it save darling!" She said winking at me. I couldn't hold myself. Finaly, I'll get some pussy! I thought rubbing my dick against her hole making it fully hard again. "Oh yeah, now give me your girly cock!" I slowly entered her enjoying every inch of her tight warm wet lust tunnel. I could feel her getting tighter and tighter as I pushed my dick deeper insider her. "Ohhh... Yes! Now fuck me!" She moaned. I slowly started pushing it in and out enjoying that horny look on her face. I increased my speed feeling her tighten up as I got faster. May suddenly pushed my upper body down saying "Come on! Her body is not just a vagina and you don't consist solely out of a dick! Use your hands and play with her tits for example!" I pressed my hands down onto her swimsuit covered breasts. The material felt slik and a bit rubbery. Her tits felt so soft as I massaged and pinched her nipples. Juliettes' hand went straight for my chest that was covered in the green shiny lycra sports crop top felling every inch of it and my fake breasts. My mind went blank. "Oh yeah! Thats it!" Juliette moaned even loader. "Harder!" "Here, I'll help you!" May said. Then I felt her fiddling on my leggings clad ass. "You know... The front isn't the only hole I made!" Instantly after she finished her sentence I could feel something warm and thick pushing through my butt cheeks right into my ass. At first it hurt but somehow she hit a weird spot inside me that felt good. I moaned loud and turned around. She had lifted up her dress a bit, pushed her dick out of the blue shiny swimsuit and fucked me. With the vibrator egg still turned on inside her I could feel her dick vibrating inside me. "Ahhwww!" Juliette screamed. "I can feel your dick getting even bigger inside me!" "Let's go deeper, shall we?" May said as she used more and more force to fuck me and pushed my dick deeper inside Juliette. My whole body felt so good I was feeling like I'm going to loose my mind. Moments later I moaned so loud that all my neighbours must have heard it and so were Juliette and May. I the pleasure build up in my body as I was reaching my climax any second when suddenly Juliette came first. Feeling her juices flowing right onto my dick, her body trembling and her pussy contracting squeezing it even more I came too. As I came I clenched my ass and May came as well. I could feel his cum shooting inside my ass. I pulled my dick out as did May and we both fell on our knees in exhaustion. Mays cum was slowly leaking out of my butt but I didn't really care. I felt worn-out but extremely happy. After a brief period of time Juliette asked "So, Debbie? Was that your first threesome?" "Yes, it was!" "And how did you like it?" "It felt great! The pleasure was unimaginable and intense!" "And was it your first time getting fucked in the ass?" asked May. "Yes! At first it hurt but as you went deeper you kinda hit a spot that felt somehow very pleasant." She laughed "I really like him! He is so honest and pure but still sexy and naughty! He's really a good catch Juliette!" "Yes!" She replied. "I think he will get along with the others!" What? Did I mishear? Others? There are more like me? Or like her? I need to know! "Did you say others?" I asked. "Yes, Debbie! But I'll explain it later some time. I need to leave now! Mind If I keep that swimsuit for a while? I want to enjoy it a bit longer!" "No, it's okay!" I answered. "Then I'd like to keep that really hot dress and swimsuit for a while as well!" "Fine!" Juliette said. "Great!" May celebrated. "But I want you to leave that leotard you bought to Debbie! I wanted her to have it. She'll need it soon." "Oh, I see! okay!" "I'll contact you both if it's time!" Juliette said, slid her dress over the swimsuit and left with May. Others just like me? Like her? I'll need that leotard? What did I get myself into?
Last edited: 3 months ago
posted 3 years ago
posted 3 years ago
Great story…makes me want to go try on swimsuits and leotards
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Great story :) I have these exact dark green Reebok tights. They are true anal slut leggings!
posted 3 months ago
Swapped out the dead links ;-)