TWIOO gear in the UK

Shops and Sites
posted 2 months ago
Hi all - I caught sight of a SP member in some of these twioo tights: These are so eye-catching and sexy, particularly the tights in the Shine material. Also in lots of colours other than black! Unfortunately the retailers in Germany don't ship to the UK (can't think why that might be :-D ) Has anyone seen any twioo products for sale in the UK? Stay tight 'm shiny everyone! P
posted 2 months ago
I, too, am a big fan of TWIOO. I did get a few pair from them a year ago or so but, sadly, have been unable to make contact with them again. I hope they can start selling these worldwide. It seems to me that they are missing a large market! In the meantime, I'll treasure the pairs that I have.

SlickskinSlickskin liked this.

posted 2 months ago
Have you try this site it all in German so you will need to use a translate in your web bower but in the checkout it dose has a option for great Britain.
posted 6 hours ago
Sorry for the delay, but thank you very much for that link. I'll give it a try and see what goodies I can get into the UK! Px