update the chat bit

Suggestions and site feedback
Deleted user
posted 6 years ago
Flash is going to die, adobe is not supporting it anymore maybe its time for the chat element to have maybe HTML5?

Deleted userDeleted user,tinyundiestinyundies,fun_guy_1975fun_guy_1975 liked this.

Deleted user
posted 6 years ago
Ditto, I wont use chat because I wont load Flash on my machine.
posted 6 years ago
What about a Discord? I’ve joined two recently and have been enjoying it. Wish I could find a one with guys into spandex to join.

SpandexHikerGuySpandexHikerGuy liked this.

posted 6 years ago
posted by: spandexlad83
What about a Discord? I’ve joined two recently and have been enjoying it. Wish I could find a one with guys into spandex to join.
That’s actually a great idea, discord would be perfect for a chat platform. However the spandex party admin would need to make a server. And publish the link on spandex party. There are so many things that need to be addressed about spandex party. (Most viewed videos; where?). And it seems like whomever runs spandex party is just sitting on there thumbs.

hotload3hotload3 liked this.