Video icon on photos

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Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
Some profile pictures have a red "film camera" icon on them and some have the green play button and some have both. Just out of interest, why?
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
Depends on when the vid was uploaded. The older ones have the camera icon and the new ones the play button.

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Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
The ones with just the red camera icon never play, just appear as a normal pic. Any one else get this?
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
What kind of device are you looking at them on?
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
PC. Tried in Firefox and Chrome. Look at Shorts00 profile for instance. 3rd page of pics, top two thumbnails in the second column Both show as red camera icons, but only show as a picture.