Wet or dry Spandex/lycra? And why?

posted 3 weeks ago
Maybe Off-category, but not many to choose from. I can start. I like my gear dry, but i get wildly horny when i get them wet.. i LOVE that they get seethrough when wet. I often use lube to get them wet because its feels like heaven! But i can use the shower and pre-cum also. Having gear all wet from Pre-cum is amazing.. I have been fantasising about wetting them with piss, so lets see if i try that at some point. Now i want to hear if you like it wet or dry!
posted 3 weeks ago
Me like wet yummmmm

FranknlFranknl,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
I like them wet to😊

FranknlFranknl,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
Big fan of soaked and/or slimed here - for me, you can't beat how the gear goes even more clingy and see-through when soaked/lubed. Feels fantastic!

mRuBlnmRuBln,FranknlFranknl liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
posted by: pthomas1983
Big fan of soaked and/or slimed here - for me, you can't beat how the gear goes even more clingy and see-through when soaked/lubed. Feels fantastic!
Totally agree!! Maybe stupid question, but what do you use as slime? And where do you get it? I want to try 🙈😂

FranknlFranknl,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
I use lube or slime you can buy online, or anything I can get my hands on, to be fair - even shower gel... for me it's all about how slippy your lycra can become - warm lube is one of the best things you can coat your gear in...

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
My particular favourite is 'Slube' which I sometimes find on Amazon. I think it's the same as 'slime baff' which is a bit more readily available. I have taken baths in it wearing my cycling skinsuits, it feels amazing when it gets inside as well as outside, makes things super slippery and gives you a really amazing wank!

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.