What do other cyclists use for chamois cream?

posted 2 years ago
I love the feeling of a lubed and slippery ass and crotch on a ride or training. I tend to use a ton of extra cream just so I can have that horny feeling. Am I the only one into this or what do you guys do?

virgospeedovirgospeedo,kirky004kirky004 liked this.

posted 2 years ago
I use Assos creme >> https://www.assos.com/us/chamois-creme-200ml-man-186185.html Love your practice of using a huge amount for that slip 'n slide sensation....I will definitely try it out and let you know. Sometimes I ride with plug inside. Feels amazing. On a Podcast with ToppedToys founder he was talking about it. I messaged him on Twitter and this was his response >> "Thank you! A few of us around the office are cyclists as well, and we love riding plugged. The Gape Keeper is the classic for that, as it's super comfy to hold in for extended wear, and the base sits flush with your hole so it won't stick out -too- much in your shorts heh. We've got a handy size guide for the Gape Keeper (and a few other collections) to help you choose. Around here anything from the 75 to the 93 is what we ride with, as they're girthy but don't go too deep. Unless you want those speedbumps and potholes to torture ;)

CyclingCycling liked this.

Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Have to try a Gape keeper when cycling. They seem to be avauilable in the Uk. I have never tried cycling a longer distance with a plug. How long can you keep the Gape keeper in?

virgospeedovirgospeedo liked this.

posted 2 years ago
I want a good chamois cream that is really slick and I can buy in a big container.
posted 2 years ago
ive rode with a vibrating prostate stimulator in, under my 1 piece cycling skinsuit. Only on days when I'm horny. I can tell you with the cycling action and rubbing of my cock in the spandex with the prostate stimulation I end up Cumming a huge load every time my suit is usually soaked full of hot cum by the time I get back home. Makes for one happy camper
posted 2 years ago
Mmm sounds lovely
posted 2 years ago
posted by: mbuk01
Mmm sounds lovely
so hot to cum in spandex

mbuk01mbuk01 liked this.

posted 2 years ago
posted by: Willlycra
Have to try a Gape keeper when cycling. They seem to be avauilable in the Uk. I have never tried cycling a longer distance with a plug. How long can you keep the Gape keeper in?
Yes - when I cycle plugged it's for rides usually like 12 miles or so. Longer treks....different toys. Be sure to use a non-water-soluble lube such as FFaustus or Elbow Grease, as you need max lube for best sensation (water soluble lubes don't last for such pleasures)
posted 2 years ago
this is what happens when I ride and i have prostate milker in Im not in the video but here is a graphic representation https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=4377755&name=cumming-while-cycling-iii


posted 2 years ago
I don’t use any chamois cream when I ride, I don’t really chafe. Then again I never considered the pleasurable side of putting it on. Hmmm…🤔

SemiproFootball16SemiproFootball16 liked this.

posted 2 years ago
posted by: 8eight8
I don’t use any chamois cream when I ride, I don’t really chafe. Then again I never considered the pleasurable side of putting it on. Hmmm…🤔
I love about a heaping tablespoon of a good chamois cream. I don't really chafe either but it feels so good. 😍😘

virgospeedovirgospeedo,8eight88eight8 liked this.

posted 2 years ago
It looks great but i wantna big container, not just a 4oz tube.

8eight88eight8 liked this.

posted 2 years ago
I currently use DZ-Nuts and I love it. I just want a larger container of it. https://www.dz-nuts.com/products/dznuts
posted 2 years ago
I get 2 1/2 rides out of one tube.
posted 2 years ago
Qm sports have 2 different ones. One for rides upto 4 hours, one for over 4. The later is thick so it stays for longer time
posted 2 years ago
Betwixed makes a good one for shorter rides