What's new for Spandex Party in 2013?

Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
Hey Guys, I've always tried to keep improving Spandex Party because I love using it as much as you do! It's the start of a new year so I thought I would share with you a couple of big things that I've been working on. 1- New Lycra gear range from Spandex Party! Thank you so much to the hundreds of you that responded to the survey request email that I sent in December! We've digested all the things you said and have finalised the first design for our range. We're going to release a Full-suit, wresting-singlet and tights in the first design and in fact I am being fitted for the prototype tomorrow! The three suits are all in the same style and are in a superhero futuristic design. Pre-orders will hopefully be open at the end of February and production begin straight after. I can promise you that they're like no design on the market and extremely sexy! 2- Spandex Party iPhone app! Work has started on an app for the site which will bring SP to even more guys. It will probably be released with basic features to begin with to get it into your hands as soon as possible and then be updated regularly with new stuff. The first version will most likely enable you to check and respond to your messages, then move on to nearby guys and profiles. I would be interested to hear your feedback on what you think is most important. Thanks to you all and keep it tight in 2013! Mike
Last edited: 12 years ago