what sport are these pants for

Deleted user
posted 15 years ago
see pics. i'm thinking football, but i don't know
Deleted user
posted 15 years ago
Baseball or Basketball, If you look at the Adidas Tech fit power web line, they have longer style "Baseball shorts" But if you watch basketball you'll notice when a player sits down you can see his spandex shorts (about knee length) under his basketball shorts. I own 2 pair of the adidas techfit power web shorts they are EXTRA LONG.. heres a picture
Last edited: 15 years ago
Deleted user
posted 15 years ago
Thanks, wouldn't have guessed that! They don't leave a lot to the imagination, do they? I wore them to work out once, but they were almost too exhibitionist for *me,* lol. I thought they might be meant for under!