When to sell your items

Sell your gear
posted 5 years ago
At what point do you make a decision to sell some of your items, if you felt you need to? My collection is growing (as you can see in my photo gallery) and I'm getting to the point where I may have to consider selling some of the items because at this rate I'll run out of space to keep them, but at the same time I don't really want to. My collection can easily fill up maybe 4 or 5 rucksacks and obviously at some point I'll have to make a decision to sell some if I want to keep buying newer stuff, but just when do I do this? Have you had a similar experience where you can't decide what to do, and if so, how did you get round to this ? Thanks
posted 5 years ago
Running low on space is certainly an indication that it's time to sell/cull/reduce the number of gear in your collection. Perhaps it helpful to think in terms of candidates to get rid of first:
  • If it's abused - i.e. too many holes, too many holes in the fabric, etc - get rid of it unless it has sentimental value, such as it reminds you of a sex session.
  • items made of cotton should go sooner rather than later b/c I find cotton loses its shape over time.
  • If you have color variations of the same brand and style, keep the one color you like best and get rid of the others.
  • Get rid of items which are cheaper, off-brand Internet purchases (no offense to the Chinese but get rid of the imitation gear)
  • Purchases from Andrew Christian - about 1/2 the underwear sold on the website is meant to be eye-candy to wear a few times to Pride or a party (e.g. Halloween) and then the style becomes old in 6 months to 1 year. Keep their "Big Boy" pouch line, but get rid of the patterns designed for twink appeal like unicorns, ice cream, candy - things that say "boy toy". At some point, we guyz graduate from "boy toy" to hopefully being a man or at least a "daddy".
Hold onto gear which you really liked from discontinued brands.
posted by: Exhibitionist
At what point do you make a decision to sell some of your items, if you felt you need to? ... Thanks
posted 5 years ago
posted by: HotBulgeUS
Running low on space is certainly an indication that it's time to sell/cull/reduce the number of gear in your collection. Perhaps it helpful to think in terms of candidates to get rid of first:
  • If it's abused - i.e. too many holes, too many holes in the fabric, etc - get rid of it unless it has sentimental value, such as it reminds you of a sex session.
  • items made of cotton should go sooner rather than later b/c I find cotton loses its shape over time.
  • If you have color variations of the same brand and style, keep the one color you like best and get rid of the others.
  • Get rid of items which are cheaper, off-brand Internet purchases (no offense to the Chinese but get rid of the imitation gear)
  • Purchases from Andrew Christian - about 1/2 the underwear sold on the website is meant to be eye-candy to wear a few times to Pride or a party (e.g. Halloween) and then the style becomes old in 6 months to 1 year. Keep their "Big Boy" pouch line, but get rid of the patterns designed for twink appeal like unicorns, ice cream, candy - things that say "boy toy". At some point, we guyz graduate from "boy toy" to hopefully being a man or at least a "daddy".
Hold onto gear which you really liked from discontinued brands.
posted by: Exhibitionist
At what point do you make a decision to sell some of your items, if you felt you need to? ... Thanks
Great advice, thanks! I do have some discontinued items, like from N2N, that I'm definitely keeping hold of, but the others can go, if I can part from them! They're all in good conditions, I don't like damaging them :)