posted by: HotBulgeUS
Running low on space is certainly an indication that it's time to sell/cull/reduce the number of gear in your collection.
Perhaps it helpful to think in terms of candidates to get rid of first:
- If it's abused - i.e. too many holes, too many holes in the fabric, etc - get rid of it unless it has sentimental value, such as it reminds you of a sex session.
- items made of cotton should go sooner rather than later b/c I find cotton loses its shape over time.
- If you have color variations of the same brand and style, keep the one color you like best and get rid of the others.
- Get rid of items which are cheaper, off-brand Internet purchases (no offense to the Chinese but get rid of the imitation gear)
- Purchases from Andrew Christian - about 1/2 the underwear sold on the website is meant to be eye-candy to wear a few times to Pride or a party (e.g. Halloween) and then the style becomes old in 6 months to 1 year. Keep their "Big Boy" pouch line, but get rid of the patterns designed for twink appeal like unicorns, ice cream, candy - things that say "boy toy". At some point, we guyz graduate from "boy toy" to hopefully being a man or at least a "daddy".
Hold onto gear which you really liked from discontinued brands.
posted by: Exhibitionist
At what point do you make a decision to sell some of your items, if you felt you need to?
Great advice, thanks! I do have some discontinued items, like from N2N, that I'm definitely keeping hold of, but the others can go, if I can part from them! They're all in good conditions, I don't like damaging them :)