Why does chat keep exiting every few minutes????

Suggestions and site feedback
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
Anyone else having this problem, it really is making it un-useable????
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
Yes me too. It was hard to concentrate on my jerking when restarting the Chat and enabling the cam every few minutes... Greets
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
It seems to happen if you are "idle" for about two minutes or so. I guess it is there way of trying to get people more active in the room.
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
Kael may be right, but I agree it's not very convenient when u r c(a)mming & trying to c(u)m for your lycra mates ;-)
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I haven't been kicked out yet :) maybe it's because the chat is always empty or has 1-2 people on so I never stay longer than 30 seconds :)
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
This mechanism should be disabled if cam is on.
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I wonder if that only happens to non-paying memebers
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
i've turned this off now so it should be OK..

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