Why thongs are so amazing and thongers like to share this feeling

How I got into Spandex
posted 8 years ago
Hey guys, I was thinking about the thong fetish/ or rather passion of all those guys who wear them. I remember that I have been fascinated by them since very early age. First obviously tight bulging speedos at the beach watching daddies just naturally walk around in them. Most guys tend to wear boxers or wider swimwear, considering everything that is tight or revealing as femenin, even if it is the total opposite, knowing that thongs and bikinis come from a bodybuilding, sport and very male background. I first tried to make my first thongs myself to see how it feels like to wear one.... obviously it wasn't the perfect shape but the feeling was amazing. Then bought my first thong a few years later, put it right on in the stre and came in it on my way home, feeling a bit ashamed and threw it away. The finally a few years ago I purchased a few speedos on the web and accidently received one of them with a T-back and was more than happy actually. Sincd then I have at least bought 250 thongs of all kind of brands and simply love the feeling and also wearing them as much as possible. For myself during the day or for play. I have noticed that all the guys who actually like thongs love talking about them, sharing the ideas, expressing their feelings and describing tat it just feels great. I mean I also wear jock straps and have tonnes of leather, latex, neoprene gear but none of those give me this mix of excitment and comfort than a thong. It sound s a bit weird and I dont wanna be Freud here, but it is fascination how those who like thongs have the same kinda difficult to describe feeling about them, and i ask my self out of curiosity where this is coming from? The need to wear them all the time and not just for a " special occasion" lol... but all the way... I love havng those conversations with many guys I encounter here and am curious how you guys feel about it. Thats it :-)
posted 8 years ago
Feeel exactly the same as you...love my thongs n how they make me feel

speedopouchspeedopouch,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 8 years ago
Reading this story gave me an instant boner in my spandex Joe Snyder blue thong......i can totally relate and also enjoy feeling my ass crack hugged by the thong material...... Thanks for sharing. Thongers unite

speedopouchspeedopouch,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 8 years ago
posted by: hotload3
Feeel exactly the same as you...love my thongs n how they make me feel
My first was in college and was instantly hooked. I went thong only underwear and then went thong only at the beach. I love being at the beach in a thong or at a hotel. 23 years later nothing has changed

speedopouchspeedopouch,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 8 years ago
Totally agree. Guys who wear thongs love talking about them all the time. Girls not so much but when I've dated girls and go to the beach in thongs they get so curious. Every should wear them

speedopouchspeedopouch,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 8 years ago
I pretty much only wear thongs now. For daily wear at work my favourites are JM microfibre. I feel powerful and sexy in my formal business context. Love the way my ass feels when my suit trousers hug my bare buns. Then under tights for gym and running... sometimes let the 'whale tail' show when stretching and doing yoga poses (generally subtly). Then for social and parties: sexier Hom, joe snyder and N2N... and others. Tight low rise jeans and a thong and a cock ring are my favourite look and feel. I am always excited to meet other guys who share this awesome feeling.

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 8 years ago
I've always been drawn to thongs since the first time I saw packages of them in stores as a child. I always felt a certain stigma about wearing them so I would buy one and later get rid of it. Somewhere along the line I stopped caring about stigma and started to care more about how they make me feel. To think of some of the great gear I got rid of over the years just to "fit in". My thong collection is now strong and always growing. They make me feel sexy and feeling sexy makes me confident. I wish more guys would get over their fears/stigma about them and wear them more.
Last edited: 8 years ago
Deleted user
posted 8 years ago
I could not agree with you guys more - I'm only 22 and an ex-bf got me into thongs when we were dating about 2yrs ago. I was initially unsure about the whole idea of wearing them - would it change who i am, my identity? What would others say when the would see a bit of thong at the gym, or out wherever? (I mean we all see guys underwear popping out here/there, mostly a brief waistband etc...or a girl's thong/whale tail etc). So i would have a thong then throw it out...that happened for a year before i just started really getting into them, hearing encouragement from others and then they have become my de facto daily wear...I LOVE how they make me feel every day - at work, my pants hug my ass just a bit more, when out socially there are no 'underwear lines' and the feeling of my jeans brushing my bare ass and under workout wear i just feel free and breezy and liberated. It's truly a fantastic, open, free and sexy feeling that. I'd recommend to anyone. For ALL occasions, my #1 brand/style is the Joe Snyder bulge thong, closely followed by Jovana Designs' 3D, Muscleskins, TM and others. I started with a shaky 2-3 thongs for a year, then quickly built up to 100% of my uw drawer of 30+! Hope you all enjoy getting into and/or trying thongs. Remember, if you don't like the thong you're wearing for the first time...you very likely bought the wrong one for your body type and/or wrong size...keep trying!
posted 8 years ago
Use to only be into speedos and skimpy trunks due to 3 things, Namor the Submariner, Professional Wrestling, and the 1996 Olympics. However while looking nline for guys in speedos pics, I came across a few guys in thongs . While it left little to the imagination it was nonetheless hot! So I was like goodbye bikini briefs and tightie whities and hello thongs! Had my own personal experience with an old buddy of mine. He had a huge thong collection and invited me over to his house one weekend . He already had a skimpy thong picked out for me( a black and white leopard print.) Loved how it snug it was around my growing bulge and how the strap rubbed against my hole. And of course my friend made the experience better by servicing my thong hard on while showing off his thong assets. And the rest was history.

Deleted userDeleted user,BubblebumBubblebum liked this.

posted 8 years ago
Given the amount of websites selling thongs, I think more guys wear them than will admit. At the beach is another story. At work I'm super careful with the whail tail and even out at bars too. Certain work pants show the thong outline so I'll go g string but it's the same for women too. But the stigma for us is and can be overwhelming still.

BubblebumBubblebum liked this.

Deleted user
posted 8 years ago
Thongs provide a lot of pleasure to see and to wear, enhacing male body, freedom of movement, comfortable for smooth bulging, the rear strap deep in the crack for great excitement. Wearing thongs is a pinnacle and quintessence of hot masculinity.

BubblebumBubblebum liked this.

posted 8 years ago
it is just fun, can't think of a day without a hot, smooth thong!

BubblebumBubblebum liked this.

posted 7 years ago
As a little kid I always wore briefs. Then when puberty hit I started wearing bikinis and even moved into string bikinis. In high school I bought a three pack of Jockey thongs; black, white, and red, while shopping for more bikinis instead. I remember trying them on as soon as i got home and loving them. They held my bulge tight and show my ass off with the thin strap disappearing in my crack. I also remember wearing them to school and having to change for athletics, I would keep my back to my locker to try and keep anyone noticing them. High school can be so cruel! But now when I go to the gym I don't care if anyone sees me wearing a thong or not. It has probably been why I have had a few hook ups with guys from the gym.
posted 6 years ago
I only wear thongs and even with my family now. I’ve become so comfortable in them that it’s natural really. I have younger nieces so I avoid that but my 20 year old niece and I are really close and are fine together. I wont wear anything else and now no longer hide them at the gym or in the sauna. No one cares
posted 1 month ago
Had some extra time so i decided to go into the forum here and see what people chatted about in the ‘back catalog’ of quiet topics. Can’t believe that I’m on page 5 and already the last post on these was ~5-7yrs ago! Well that said - i started wearing thongs back around 2019, when just out of college. Before then, sure, i was curious but always thought thongs were really for women and i didn’t pay much attention to them…and went about my happy life as it was at the time. Then i got into a relationship with a guy…it only lasted about 6 months, but what a glorious stint! IN that time he not only showed me my inner passion to be a bottom…but he bought me my first 5 thongs and really asked me to wear them for him. As time went on, the positive reinforcement, the support and how he saw me in them…that solidified my interest and now i wear thongs full time and have more confidence to wear them as swimwear to the pool, under anything i wear to the gym, not bashful about changing into/out of them in the locker room, to bed…the only thing i get a bit conservative about is around family…for some reason i just ring fence that whole situation! I don’t like wearing thongs around parents, siblings etc…but anyone else seems fair game! When it comes to thongs i do like thongs, not g-strings…just think it frames the butt better and i like the feeling of a thong (tough to understand for some, i know!). I have bodysuits with thong backs that are super hot and fun to wear as well…its all good!
posted 4 weeks ago
posted by: Bubblebum
Had some extra time so i decided to go into the forum here and see what people chatted about in the ‘back catalog’ of quiet topics. Can’t believe that I’m on page 5 and already the last post on these was ~5-7yrs ago! Well that said - i started wearing thongs back around 2019, when just out of college. Before then, sure, i was curious but always thought thongs were really for women and i didn’t pay much attention to them…and went about my happy life as it was at the time. Then i got into a relationship with a guy…it only lasted about 6 months, but what a glorious stint! IN that time he not only showed me my inner passion to be a bottom…but he bought me my first 5 thongs and really asked me to wear them for him. As time went on, the positive reinforcement, the support and how he saw me in them…that solidified my interest and now i wear thongs full time and have more confidence to wear them as swimwear to the pool, under anything i wear to the gym, not bashful about changing into/out of them in the locker room, to bed…the only thing i get a bit conservative about is around family…for some reason i just ring fence that whole situation! I don’t like wearing thongs around parents, siblings etc…but anyone else seems fair game! When it comes to thongs i do like thongs, not g-strings…just think it frames the butt better and i like the feeling of a thong (tough to understand for some, i know!). I have bodysuits with thong backs that are super hot and fun to wear as well…it’s all good!
Your ass is a fantastic ambassador for all of us thong wearers!
posted 4 weeks ago
Always great to share stories dealing with our fetishes for tight gear. Thanks for sharing. For me, my primary interest has and will be the material: spandex/lycra. With that said I’m a child of the 80s and we all grew up with jockey underwear, bikini briefs and the like. One day it clicked: spandex + bikini briefs = speedos. So my fetish journey (in order of my years on this planet) was the following: It all started with biker shorts, then I went into speedo territory including square cuts, followed by wrestling singlets and football pants, then long tights, then full suits/speedsuits/ cycling gear and then finally thongs. When I was younger (20s - early 30s) I didn’t care for thongs. The feminine connotation pushed me away from them…probably cause I’m a flaming faggot (I can say that cause I own it) and I didn’t need any more feminine energy to add to my queerness. From time to time a thonged, beefy himbo would enter my fetish fantasies or a white trash motorcyclist with a mullet and leopard thong, but I was never the wearer in those fetish filled fever dreams. It wasn’t until in my late 30s did I finally decided to give thongs, specifically Joe Snyder thongs a try. I was in love instantly, granted being a petite 6’3” guy with zero ass…but I didn’t care. I was more interested in the front. The cut, how it held my junk, the presentation of the package, etc. I fell in love with them from first wear. I also loved that Joe Snyder thongs were made from classic spandex and had the nice shine we all love. I embraced my bias and let go any association to gender or gender norms when it came to thongs. Now I’m obsessed and it’s just another conductor for the main spandex material. My fetish gear budget, however now suffers more as it’s another garment I like buying, collecting, wearing and of course taking photos for you fine folks. So there it is my personal evolution with spandex gear. I always find it fascinating to discuss our own personal stories when it comes to fetish evolution through our years.