Would you be interested in buying a brand new Adidas Speed Suit?

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posted 9 years ago
Hey everyone, there's an Adidas website called MiTeam which offers a way to create and order personalized sport gear for many sports. It's possible to order speed suits which I'm sure many of us will like =) Unfortunately those suits are not available on a one by one basis, they have to be created specifically for a 'team'. Before going further I'd like to know if there would be enough people interested in buying a brand new suit. We would then regroup our needs and place an order (there's a minimum of 5 suits to be ordered at a time) that one of us would manage. Price per unit is EUR 90 without shipment and possible other costs non included at that time. From what I understand it's possible to order different sizes which range from S to 4XL according to size guide. http://www.miteam.adidas.fr/mi-Running-Speed-Suit-M/15004121_M,fr_FR,pd.html?sport=Running#is_configurator Of course we would have first to agree on the colors and design since it has to be the same for the whole 'team'. So if you're really interested, please drop a note in that topic. We'll see how it goes =) -- Salut à tous, Adidas a mis en ligne un site appelé MiTeam qui permet de créer puis de commander des tenues personnalisées pour de nombreux sports, en particulier la course. Je suis sûr que ça titillera bon nombre d'entre nous ^^ Le problème c'est qu'il n'est pas possible de commander les tenues une par une, il faut un minimum de commande de 5 pièces (tailles potentiellement différentes si j'ai bien compris, mais design unique). Est-ce que ça pourrait intéresser des gens de se regrouper ? A l'unité ça vaut 90 €, hors port et autres éventuels frais non inclus à ce stade. Si vous êtes interéssé, merci de laisser un commentaire :)
Last edited: 9 years ago
posted 9 years ago
I'd totally be interested!