I've wrote on here before that I really got into spandex as a kid. I loved the shiny look of it. Me and my brother used to watch WWF a lot as kids and we started doing our own wrestling matches, complete with spandex costumes as we got older. I think we both enjoyed the feel of spandex during our matches, especially since we would accidently touch each others package when we would slam each other and as we did submission holds we would pull on the other person and kinda grind on each other. A few years back he mentioned getting back into wrestling and that he found some cool new outfits pretty cheap. I didnt really catch on to that comment and just let it go, but recently I mentioned to him that I wanted to get back into wrestling to help stay fit. He said he'd be interested but had to get some new gear for it. I've never really had another spandex encounter but am kinda curious where this will go if he actually decides to wrestle with me again. I'm kinda excited for it but also not sure I should go through with it in case it does go as far as I think it might. Any advice?