Yield to the latex and serve (fiction)

posted 3 months ago
This is a work of fiction. If you want me to write a story with your fantasy just pm me ;-) Please enjoy my other stories. I would love to get some feedback from you! ================================================== “Would you accompany me there, Gino?” asked Sandra. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. “Yes, of course!” I replied. “When should I pick you up?” “Around 9 p.m.?” “All right! See you tomorrow then!” I said casually and hung up, even though I was totally excited inside. Maybe I had a chance with her this time. I've been in love with her for a long time, but until now she's always been with another man - but now she's broken up with him. And not only that, she was invited to a masquerade costume party tomorrow and wanted to go with her boyfriend because she doesn't really know anyone there. Now that he's gone, she asked me. What else could I do but say yes? So the next day I got out my Jason Vorhees costume and went to her. When she opened the door, I was petrified. Sandra was already breathtaking with her 1.95 m height and her athletically defined body, but her costume gave me the rest. She was wearing a shiny black latex suit that clung to her body like a second skin, an equally shiny latex skirt that clung to her thighs and shiny patent leather boots that went up to her knees. While I searched for the right words in my head, I was greeted by her warm smile followed by a “Nice to see you!” Sandra took a step towards me and gave me a welcoming hug. I could feel the heat of her body through the latex as her firm breasts pressed against me. “Come in!” she said invitingly. “Wow, what a stunning costume!” was the only thing I could say. “Thank you so much! It took me some time to put it on. My ex-boyfriend was always against me wearing something like that. I thought he'd make an exception for the costume party, but that wasn't the case. And now I was tired of being patronized by him!” “What an idiot! I think it looks great on you! You should be able to decide for yourself what to wear and what not to wear! He should have supported you instead!” Yes, exactly! Support her in what she likes! You'll definitely win her heart! I thought. “Wow, you're so understanding! Your girlfriend must be really happy with you!” “Well...” I started ”I don't have a girlfriend. But go ahead and advertise for me! Maybe one will get in touch!” I said jokingly. “What? We haven't spoken for so long, I thought you'd finally got one. But if that's the case, I'm definitely not going to advertise for you, then someone might snatch you away from me!” Sandra laughed. “You've even dressed up already!” “Of course, I'm well prepared!” “Oh, that wouldn't have been necessary!” “Uhh, why? Isn't this a masquerade costume party? You're dressed up too...” I was a bit confused and had a funny feeling about my question. “The theme of the party is couples' costumes, so I've already got a costume for you. Didn't I tell you that?” Several thoughts were buzzing around in my head: Sandra is going to a couples' night with me? Does that mean she fancies me? If she's already dressed like that, what has she prepared for me? “Ehhmm, I don't think you mentioned that...” I stammered sheepishly. “Oh, but that's not a problem, is it?” she replied. Okay, eyes closed and through! You want to win her over, so you have to get this over with now! I told myself. “Nonsense, that's no problem!” “Great, I'll help you with your costume then!” I followed her into her bedroom without saying anything. She opened the closet and took out a coat hanger on which hung something that was also black, but matt rather than shiny. There seemed to be countless other items of clothing in the closet that were made of vinyl or latex. “Here, this will be your costume. We're going as a dominatrix and a slave. That should be fun!” Once again, I felt petrified. What exactly is supposed to be funny about being a slave? And I'm supposed to wear that? Shit, what have I gotten myself into... Sandra handed me the hanger with the latex suit on it. “As my ex has never worn anything like this before, I've had the suit chlorinated. It shouldn't be a problem to put it on. I'll leave you to put the suit on in peace. Just call me if you need any help.” “Thank you! I... uhh... try my luck.” “Just a tip, the suit is put on without clothes and underwear, the zipper is in the back and the crotch is self-explanatory. Good luck!” she said with a laugh and closed the bedroom door behind her. I took the suit off the hook and felt a little lost. The material felt smooth and cold in my hand, which admittedly made me a little curious. I took off my costume and underwear and stood stark naked in my crush's bedroom, but under different circumstances than I had hoped for. I unzipped the suit and slipped my right leg into it. The suit was tight, but the material stretched with ease and clung to me. The feeling of this cold, smooth and soft material hugging my leg was somehow pleasant. Foreign, yet beautiful. I could feel my cock slowly getting a little hard. You're not getting horny from the latex now, are you? That's only for weird fetishists! I said to myself.But then I also thought Sandra wears it too and it totally suits her! So why not me too? And I'm allowed to like it! So: don't think so much, go for it! With that, I had calmed my inner voice and carried on. Now the other leg followed and I was able to pull the suit slowly and carefully over my thighs. The material now reached my crotch, which was already twitching with anticipation. The crotch of the suit was strange. I inspected it to find out how to proceed. There was a hole in the suit itself, which was covered with another piece of latex that was attached to the suit with press studs. I quickly understood that the penis should go through the hole and the flap should cover the whole thing, with the press studs providing quick access. I carefully opened the flap, pulled the suit higher and navigated my erection through the hole. I then closed the cover and felt the latex on my cock. Fuck, that feels so good! I can understand why some people get off on it! But I have to keep a cool head... I can't go in front of Sandra with an erection. What would she think of me? Well, first put the rest on, then take a deep breath and you'll be fine. You're so close to your goal, don't mess it up now! I told myself in a stern tone. I pulled the suit further over my torso. The feeling of the latex on my hairless upper body was unbelievably beautiful. Only now did I notice the intoxicatingly sweet scent of the rubber. Seductive and erotic in its very own way, almost hypnotic. Without giving it much thought and without wanting to distract myself, I slipped my arms into the suit and reached for the zipper at my back. Every millimeter I closed the zipper tightened the suit on my body and pressed it further against me. When the zipper ended at the high-necked collar, I had to feel my entire body. Feelings of curiosity, horniness and lust boiled inside me, wanting to examine my second skin. My crotch became tighter by the second and my nipples stood up so that they were clearly visible despite the tight suit. I looked in the mirror and was amazed. The suit fit like a glove. Every detail of my slim body was visible in the skin-tight fabric. Once again, almost as if in a trance, my hands slowly moved from my upper body down to my throbbing cock. But a knock on the door brought me back to reality. “Hey, you've been in there for a while now... Are you going to be okay?” A little perplexed, I managed a “Yes, everything's fine! I'm almost there!” Good, you've made it this far. Now take a deep breath, calm yourself and your cock down and then we'll continue!" I told myself. After a few moments, I had halfway managed to reduce my erection, although it almost didn't matter with the latex, because there was a bulge either way. I took one last deep breath and left the bedroom in the direction of the living room. “Sandra was sitting there with a coffee in her hand, fiddling with her cell phone. “I'm ready now. I'm sorry it took so long. This is the first time I've worn something like this.” “Hey, no problem! I'm glad you're getting involved at all.” Then Sandra stood up, walked around me and looked me over. “Well, that looks great on you!” “Thank you!” I said sheepishly. “Well, let's polish the thing and then we can be on our way.” “Polish it?” “Yes, so that the suit shines as beautifully as mine. You can't go out like that!” She laughed again and reached for a black spray bottle and a cloth. “Here, I'll do it for you, it'll go quicker. You've already taken enough time getting dressed.” No sooner had she finished her sentence than the first drops of an oily substance splashed onto the suit, starting with my bottom. “Wow, you have a really nice butt! I'm sure some women would envy you!” Unfortunately, I couldn't answer properly as my mind was fully focused on keeping my erection as small as possible. I was trying so hard that I couldn't quite hear what else she had said during the polishing process. After what felt like an eternity, the entire suit was polished and shone like Sandra's suit. “It looks wonderful like that! And what do you think, Gino?” “Wow, that looks incredible! I really like it!” “I'm glad you like it! I think it looks really good on you! Now all that's missing is the finishing touches...” she said with a satisfied face and reached for something. “Put your arms behind your back!” “Ehhm, okay...” What's next? I thought to myself. As soon as I had finished thinking about it, Sandra walked behind me and I felt her put something around my wrists, followed by a click. “What are you doing?” “Oh, they're just handcuffs. You don't mind, do you? It's all part of the costume.” Okay... now it's getting weird, but you have to play along now! Anything for Sandra! I said to myself and played along. “Well, if you say so. The costume has to be authentic, right?” “Yes, exactly. Now the leash and then we're done.” And with that, she immediately put a shiny black collar with a silver metal ring on me, to which a shiny black leash was attached. “Well then, let's go!” she shouted euphorically and pulled me by the lead towards the front door. A strange throbbing sensation spread through my cock. Somehow it made me horny, but I tried to suppress the thought. “Do you want us to leave the house like this? Shouldn't we put something on?” Sandra pulled firmly on the leash and replied energetically: “No, they should see us like this! And now come on, I want to be on time!” It was very unusual for me to hear Sandra speak in such a tone, so dominant and powerful... In a way, I liked it. As soon as we left the house, we went straight to her car. On the way, I felt the eyes of the people standing around on me. Some of them looked at me with a smile, some were disgusted and some tried to look away in embarrassment. But I wasn't really ashamed. Never mind what the others think! As long as I'm at Sandra's side, they can't do anything to me. I felt safe and strengthened at her side. My bulge was also strengthened, growing again and pressing against the tight latex. When we sat down in the car, I bent one leg so that the bulge wasn't too obvious. Sandra started the car and looked at me with a beaming grin “See, it wasn't half as bad, was it?” “Y-yes, you're right!” “Off to the party then!” I kept looking over at her during the drive. Her flawless body in the tight, shiny latex just wouldn't let me go. The light from the lanterns reflected on her shiny suit and the bumps in the road made her breasts jiggle up and down. I was mesmerized by this lustful, black-clad body and hornier than ever before. After 20 minutes of driving, we arrived and Sandra parked the car. “So, here we are at last. Before we go to the party, there are a few more rules. You must adhere strictly to them, can you manage that?” Rules? What kind of rules do you mean? I can behave myself at a party... What does Sandra think of me? “First of all, you will always address me as Mistress, if I allow you to speak. Then you will always do exactly what I tell you to do and do it immediately. No matter what it is! I promise you that you will be richly rewarded afterwards. All right?” A reward? Could my dreams finally come true? What's a few hours at the party in this state if I'm rewarded handsomely afterwards? It will definitely be worth it! I told myself that I would do it for the reward, but my throbbing hard-on told me that I was already enjoying it. “Alright, I'm in!” “Great! Then here's one last piece for your costume.” Sandra reached into her handbag and took out another piece of latex. When I unfolded it, I realized that it was a mask.“It's a shame to hide your pretty face, but it's just part of the experience,” she said and pulled the mask over me. My eyes and mouth were exposed due to cut-outs in the mask, the rest of my head was now covered in latex. Through a kind of perforation in the mask, I could also breathe easily with my nose, but the sweet smell of the latex was all I could smell. I suddenly realized that this was going to be a different kind of evening. After a quick polish of the mask, we continued. Sandra got out of the car while I stayed behind because I couldn't open the door when I was tied up. She walked around the car and grabbed the leash. A strong tug signaled me to get out. Of course I obeyed and followed her to a large detached house. Sandra was greeted at the door by a couple smoking. Both dressed in a skin-tight latex suit, with both suits also having zippers on the nipples. “Hi Sandra, good to see you!” “Oh, hello Kim! New suit? I really like it!” “Thank you, yes. I wanted to treat myself today and bought the suit here. There has to be some recognition, right?” she asked, turning to the man next to her. He nodded and replied, “I'll do anything for my mistress! I'm glad you like it!” Then he threw himself to the floor and kissed her black patent knee-high boots. “Isn't he cute?” Kim asked with a laugh. “Yes, totally!” “And who did you bring with you? He's a cutie too!” Kim placed her finger on my chest and slowly slid it down to my belly button before her finger left my body again. “Your boyfriend?” “A toy!” she replied briefly and succinctly. My toy!” she added sourly. “I get it...” Kim giggled. “Have fun at the party then, love!” Another strong tug on the leash and I followed her. As soon as we entered the house, a young lady in a gray transparent latex suit and a black corset came towards us. “Hey, thanks for the invitation! I was really pleased!” “Nice to have you here!” The other lady replied and, to my surprise, exchanged a hot and intimate French kiss with Sandra. “Oh man... How long has it been since we've seen each other, Cassandra? I've really missed that...” “Me too...” Their lips pressed together again, directly followed by their bodies, which were literally rubbing against each other. I was perplexed, but enjoyed the view. Fuck, this is awesome! What have I got myself into here? This is the purest orgy... My bump was rock hard and wanted to free itself from the latex and press itself between the bodies of these two beautiful women. However, I was quickly brought out of this daydream. “Hey, Gino! Get me a drink, will you? A vodka lemon!” “Yes, Mistress!” She untied me and pointed in the direction of the bar. I did as she asked and made my way to the bar, which was located in the huge marble-clad entrance. God... This villa is huge. And this Cassandra is maybe 25 or so... Do I want to know what she does for a living? Probably not... On the way to the bar, all I saw were people dressed in all kinds of latex outfits. The statues and furniture that adorned the property all looked like people, but completely in black. It took me a moment to realize that these statues and furniture had moved minimally. So they weren't furniture, they were actually people. I swallowed but realized that I couldn't go back now. I organized the drink and went back to Sandra. “Your drink, mistress!” “Very good! Now, I don't want to stand all the time, so get on your knees and make yourself useful, I want to use you as a chair. With the reward in mind, I followed her order and got down on all fours. As she sat on me I felt her hot buttocks slowly press against my back. They were firm and toned, yet incredibly soft and tender. Feeling her on top of me made me forget everything else. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the comforting warmth of her body on mine. The conversation between Kassandra and Sandra completely passed me by as I concentrated on not wobbling. After about 20 minutes, she stood up. “So, enough sitting around. Let's dance a little!” “Totally agree!” replied Kassandra and they both walked towards the dance floor. The evening went on in roughly the same way. I served her, offered myself as a seat and watched the people here. After a while, Sandra returned to me from the dance floor and smiled at me “Hey, you're doing a good job!” “Thank you very much, Mistress!” Sandra pressed her right index finger on my nipple and let the finger move very slowly down, over my chest, down to my belly button, until the finger hooked into the cover of my erection. “Must have been very exciting for you, right?” Okay, Gino! Now you have to do everything right, your reward might depend on it. YOU are HER slave, so submit, even verbally! I told myself, hoping to score more brownie points with her. “Every moment with you is exciting, Mistress!” “Is that so?” she asked critically, scrutinizing me. “Yes, mistress! I would never dare speak an untruth around you.” I replied and bowed my head. “Wow. I must say, you're doing very well, Gino... I think you deserve a reward. Come on, let's get out of here first!” “Yes, Mistress!” I said resolutely, turned my back to her and positioned my hands for the restraints. As expected, she put the handcuffs on, followed by the leash and led me out. I could feel my pulse racing with anticipation. “Hey! You want to go already?” called a voice behind us. It was Cassandra leading two people dressed in semi-transparent gray latex, a woman and a man, on leashes behind her. Both had balls in their mouths, which were strapped around their heads with leather straps, making it impossible for them to speak. Their hands were tied behind them. Their bodies were twitching and they were breathing heavily. “Yes, unfortunately. My little Gino here...” She pulled hard on the leash, “...has behaved very well today, so he deserves a little reward.” “Ah, I see. My two here are still being trained by me. This is Leonie and Markus. They've come all the way from Germany to serve me. I met them both online. They are a very nice couple, but need a firm hand. Why don't you turn around and present yourselves?” When I took a closer look at them, I noticed that Leonie had a vibrator in her vagina, which was switched on - that also explained her twitching. When the two of them turned around, I saw a vibrator in Markus' butt, which was also moving. The latex suit kept the devices exactly where they should be. “Gino here is also being trained by me right now. Today is his first day and so far he's making himself very useful. Present yourself!” she asked me. Wow, I was actually useful? went through my head. The thought of not only having served her, but also having been useful, somehow made me horny. My cock hardened and pressed against the latex as if it wanted to jump out and say thank you, but there was still Sandra's order to carry out. So I turned slowly so that Cassandra could examine my body. “You have a very nice slave there, I have to admit. A beautiful, subtle and slim body, plus a plump, handsome erection and a really tight ass. That could make some women jealous.” “Listen dear, if you like, why don't you use my playroom upstairs?” Kassandra offered and handed Sandra a key. “Up the stairs and then the first door on the left.” “Thank you, I'd love to!” Sandra replied and pulled me towards the room in question. Once upstairs, she unlocked the door and led me in after her. The walls of the room were covered with fine red velvet, a black soundproof ceiling and a black floor rounded off the room. In the middle of the room was a huge four-poster bed, a red bedstead with black satin bed linen. On the walls were large pieces of equipment, some of which - I assume - were designed for lying, sitting or standing on. But what they actually did was not immediately apparent to me with every piece of equipment. There were a few sex toys on some of the walls, neatly hung up like in a museum. “Here I can finally really let off steam again...” Sandra said in a cheerful tone. “We'll start off harmlessly and then we'll see where our journey takes us...” I nodded in agreement “Thank you, Mistress!” A brief smile appeared on her face, then she led me to a black wooden cross that was attached to the side of the wall so that the front and back were accessible. She undid the shackles, smiled briefly and informed me, “This will be your reward today!” Shackles were attached to the ends of the cross and Sandra strapped me to them. My wrists and ankles were now secured with straps. I was defencelessly exposed to her... The thought of it filled me with awe on the one hand, but somehow the idea was also awesome. Wow! Sandra looks so powerful and sexy at the same time! Like a harsh goddess... And I'm her plaything... I thought and admired her. In the meantime, Sandra looked around at the toys, grabbed a few things and headed back in my direction. She put her hands on my shoulders and came so close with her face that our lips were almost touching. “You know Gino... I think you're the best slave I've had so far!” Her hot, moist breath on my skin felt like a caress. “Thank you for your generous words, Mistress!” I said and fell silent again. Her hands wandered slowly down my body to my crotch, which she stroked tenderly. “Let's get down to business!” she said expectantly, flicking against my erection and inserting a ball gag into my mouth. Sandra now went behind me while She gently placed her hand on my erection and stroked her hand over my hip onto my bottom. “Mhh... this one is in really good shape.” Then she slapped my butt and there was a loud bang. I wanted to cry out, but it turned into a moan that squeezed through the gag with relish. My cock also pressed powerfully against the latex, because the sweet pain somehow made me horny. “Nice and tight and trained...” And again she slapped my bottom. Another moan from me echoed through the gag in the room. Even though her hand was no longer on my bottom, I could still feel it there. Another blow hit the exact same spot on my buttocks. I moaned at the top of my lungs. My cock was pulsating like crazy. I could feel the lust bubbling inside me, like magma waiting to erupt. I could no longer think straight... I just wanted to be her toy and come for her. The strokes were repeated over and over again, but I enjoyed every stroke with my whole body and absorbed the pain. The first drop of pleasure ran out of my glans and stuck to the latex front. Sandra seemed to notice this immediately and moved forward. She looked deep into my eyes and reached for my cock. “So, you've warmed up, have you? Then I've got something for your cock too...” She undid the press studs of the cover that was over my cock and exposed it. Licking her lips, she remarked “Mhhh... It's really pretty...” Her hand nestled around my shaft right at the base and slowly traveled up to the glans. “Long and thick... You'll definitely make a woman happy with it. I only want to make you happy, Sandra! My cock, no - my body is yours! I screamed in my head. Who I am, what I was and what I wanted suddenly no longer mattered. My thoughts were clouded. I was Sandra's slave and my destiny was to serve her. When her fingertips reached my glans, she spat on my cock and spread the divine nectar on my erection. “Too bad it's not needed today!” She replied with a broad smile. Then she put a thick and wide rubber ring around my penis and testicles. My sex was now constricted, but I didn't feel any real pain. “This will make the finale of the evening even better!” she said and took off her skirt. I saw how the latex pressed deep into her crack and left nothing to the imagination. Then she opened the crotch zipper and revealed her smooth, beautiful vagina. Sandra now reached for an elongated black plastic tube. Only on closer inspection did I notice that it was shaped like a penis and had a kind of clamp with a thick bulge at the base (picture). At first I was confused and wondered what it was for, but then it became relatively clear. She gently inserted one end of the now recognizable strap-on with a moan and the penis-like protrusion stood out from her body, pointing directly at me. “This is going to be a lot of fun for both of us, believe me!” said Sandra with a broad grin. Then she took a transparent bottle and smeared a clear liquid on the strap-on, which she spread gently with one hand. “I'm going to fuck you nicely with my woman's cock now!” she said and came closer. The closer she came, the bigger the strap-on seemed to me. But despite my reservations, I trusted her. When she reached my bottom, she opened the zipper on my bottom and gently smeared the lubricant on my hole, then slipped a finger inside. The feeling was unfamiliar and strange at first, but it didn't hurt. Instead, I felt a heat rising inside me and I became even hornier. “So, I'm going to take you hard now. You are my object of lust, do you understand me?” Sandra asked in a stern tone. I nodded in anticipation. Then I felt the tip of her strap-on against my hole. At first she just rubbed the tip back and forth to tease me. “Oh, your asshole is really twitching. You seem to want it really badly... Let's reward you then!” She continued, her hands on my hips and now pushing it in. I could feel the huge piston sliding into me. The deeper the strap-on penetrated me, the hornier I became. My cock was rock hard and pulsating like crazy. When it was all the way in for the first time, I moaned loudly with lust. Then she started to fuck me properly. Every thrust inside me was powerful and determined - just like her. The lust boiled over inside me. A lustful moan penetrated the gag in my mouth after every thrust Sandra made. I was already on the verge of cumming when she paused briefly and reached for something. I couldn't see what it was, but I could guess. Moments later, the strap-on started to vibrate strongly. I felt it throughout my entire body. Then she pressed her body against me, her arms around my upper body, and continued to fuck me. I felt her heat and her soft body on mine. My body felt like I was climaxing all the time. Sandra's breathing became heavier and I heard her moaning too. Suddenly she increased the tempo. The thrusts also became more powerful, causing her to penetrate even deeper. She hit a point in my body that felt so indescribably good that I finally came. The pressure of the cock ring made every single load feel orgasmic. I also heard Sandra moan loudly and felt her juices running down both of our bodies. “Mhh... That was really good!” Sandra said and removed the strap-on from me. “I've now marked you with my scent, so you're now officially mine. Do you understand that?” Then she took the gag off me. “Yes, Mistress! It is an honor and a privilege!” “Looks like the reward was well received.” “Yes, thank you very much, Mistress!” I replied. Sandra freed me from the cross, fastened the latex cover to my crotch and put the leash back on me. “Let's go then, Cassandra's slaves will take care of the cleaning.” I followed her unquestioningly. This was to be one of many more adventures with my mistress...
posted 3 months ago
Wow that was intense! I love your writing, can’t wait for the 2nd chapter!

Peiniger1Peiniger1,BubblebumBubblebum liked this.

posted 3 months ago
Incredible story telling. Like Gino I want more!

Peiniger1Peiniger1,BubblebumBubblebum liked this.

posted 3 months ago
I can almost smell the latex from here ;)

Peiniger1Peiniger1,BubblebumBubblebum liked this.