posted by: tightsguy42Bit off topic but I have a slight issue nothing serious but swimmer2004 is liking my pics which would be fine but I'm blocked from viewing his page and his pics for no apparent reason. This seem abit unfair to me, if a member is able to view me I and everyone else should be able to view them. I've temporarily made my pics private as I can't block this member from viewing me any ideas? Like I said not.a big issue just slight annoyance 😝
posted by: Swimmer2004happy to leave your pics alone going forward. i know who you are. you've been on here before, as Lycralad41, and you always make drama like this, calling out anybody you have a problem with, and splattering it all over the forum. if you think i'm doing something wrong, take it up with Simon. otherwise, please go your way, and i'll go mine. i don't want anything further to do with you on any level.posted by: tightsguy42Bit off topic but I have a slight issue nothing serious but swimmer2004 is liking my pics which would be fine but I'm blocked from viewing his page and his pics for no apparent reason. This seem abit unfair to me, if a member is able to view me I and everyone else should be able to view them. I've temporarily made my pics private as I can't block this member from viewing me any ideas? Like I said not.a big issue just slight annoyance 😝
posted by: LycranteWe should have all profiles verified as standard. Even if lowers the user count, it would elevate the user engagement among the real profiles.
posted by: jtalbot812... but without having to show personal information or face pic
posted by: spxbrln It's one-to-one stolen from Sunny Colucci's instagram and twitter accounts. And most pics are not even spandex-related...
posted by: Lycdbr This guy is using pics from