How old was you when you first tried lycra?

How I got into Spandex
Deleted user
posted 3 months ago
How old was you? And how did it happen? For me I used to wear my mum's tights when I was about 6/7 so I started with pantyhose and when I was a little bit older (about 8/9) I seen a man cycling with full Lycra gear on and I said to my mum I want to cycle like him so I can wear that stuff lol When I was about 10 I got a full body Lycra spider man suit first time I tried it on I got an instant boner Love to hear your story if you'd like to chat privately about it message me I always reply

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posted 3 months ago
Think we have a few threads about this, but i never tire thinking about my spandex early days! Must have been swim team when i was around 12-13, discovering myself, you know the age. Wearing a speedo and seeing other guys in them…then one summer when i was 14 i found a very narrow side cut speedo that was only 1”, and it had a seam down the front that made the most amazing bulge. That got me so turned on…and just wanting more. That left the door open to when i got my first BF in college who started buying me spandex thongs - first was a JS bulge, and that was it…tossed all of my cotton gear!
posted 3 months ago
I grew up playing American Football and completing in Alpine Ski Racing. Spandex has pretty much been in my life from a very young age. I was about 8 or 9yo.
Last edited: 3 months ago

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Deleted user
posted 3 months ago
I had a shiny tight batman costume when I was 7 and I used to love wearing it to sleep commando. I always tried to get a full body spandex jumpsuit for Halloween to become my "play" outfit and built a small collection like that. I also got into swimming an got a lot of speedos and tight soft rashguards from that. I had my first orgasm playing in a spiderman suit when I was 10, the cum soaked into the spandex nicely. It wasn't for a few more years that I would learn this was masturbation 😉 In high school I got my first job and replaced all my old underwear with speedos and compression tights by the time I was 16. I also did wrestling in hs (for all the wrong 😈 reasons) and gained a love for singlets as well.

futte79futte79,UrukUruk,Deleted userDeleted user,ayerayer,Lycra SALycra SA,SlickskinSlickskin liked this.

posted 3 months ago
I think it startet when I was around 10 or 11. My swimming class teacher was wearing the tiniest speedos or really tight jammers during class and I was always staring at his bulge. So I persuaded my parents to get me jammers and when I tried them on I git my first little boner ;D I startet to rub myself thinking of mr. alexander, the swinning teacher :D

Deleted userDeleted user,feelfree2bfeelfree2b,Lycra SALycra SA,berobero liked this.

posted 3 months ago
I used to like wearing my cousin's tight ski pants when I was around 10 or so, I think. They were some kind of thick, heavy stretch fabric. But it wasn't until I was 16 or so that I got to finally try some shiny lycra... "borrowed" from the locker room. That was a weak-knees moment, it was so good and I'd been waiting so long, staring at all the fit guys in their shiny rowing suits...

Deleted userDeleted user,Lycra SALycra SA,SlickskinSlickskin liked this.

posted 3 months ago
Probably around age 10. I joined swim team, when I saw the coach wearing a speedo. I knew I wanted one too, but I needed to see him a lot more.

Deleted userDeleted user,Lycra SALycra SA,berobero liked this.

posted 3 months ago
I was 12. First lycra shorts and first dry orgasm. It was really amazing!

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posted 3 months ago
It wasnt until i was about 19 or 20, i was shopping for clothes and i came across some spandex shorts red with white side panels (Adidas brand) so they went right into my cart. Haha. I used to wear them under some red nylon soffee short shorts while riding my Motorcycle around town Later on a few months later I saw a Speedo in the store so that went into the cart, Wore that to the public pool and I really liked it. A year or so later i saw a young male teenager wearing some long Nike tights walking around town and i couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t stop staring, i went around the block just to get a second look. I had to have some! In fact i bought a pair just like it at the sporting goods store a few weeks later. I was so excited to try them on that i couldnt wait and i put them on in the car in the parking lot. I got so damn hard in them it was exhilarating. So i used to go running in them quite a bit and literally wore them until they fell apart. I then started buying Insport running tights in every color and i really liked wearing them. Used to cycle in them quite a bit. Then i got into Football gear because i thought it looked hot. Sure enough got hooked on that too.
Deleted user
posted 3 months ago
I was 12 ish . Loved borrowing my cute friends’ speedos and wearing them . Also smelling inside and licking the front trying to pretend they were still wearing them . Very happy memories with lots of dry cums. Love chatting about Lycra when younger. Message me !

Deleted userDeleted user,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

Deleted user
posted 3 months ago
posted by: B_Radley
I had a shiny tight batman costume when I was 7 and I used to love wearing it to sleep commando. I always tried to get a full body spandex jumpsuit for Halloween to become my "play" outfit and built a small collection like that. I also got into swimming an got a lot of speedos and tight soft rashguards from that. I had my first orgasm playing in a spiderman suit when I was 10, the cum soaked into the spandex nicely. It wasn't for a few more years that I would learn this was masturbation 😉 In high school I got my first job and replaced all my old underwear with speedos and compression tights by the time I was 16. I also did wrestling in hs (for all the wrong 😈 reasons) and gained a love for singlets as well.
That is so hot!

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

Deleted user
posted 3 months ago
posted by: Angelboy
I was 12. First lycra shorts and first dry orgasm. It was really amazing!
Wish we could chat more but you have blocked me for some reason
Deleted user
posted 3 months ago
posted by: Angelboy
I was 12. First lycra shorts and first dry orgasm. It was really amazing!
Unblock me let's chat
posted 3 months ago
I was 13 i guess. We all wore it for training (track field) and it was totally normal :)

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 3 months ago
I was only 12! If you wanna talk about it text me!
Deleted user
posted 3 months ago
posted by: Angelboy
I was only 12! If you wanna talk about it text me!
Message me
posted 3 months ago
posted by: NylonandLycra
posted by: Angelboy
I was only 12! If you wanna talk about it text me!
Message me
Jesus Christ man, maybe he doesn’t want to unblock you?
posted 3 months ago
I was still a kid when my mum always had us wear small lycra speedos at the beach or lakes. Back then most boys wore speedostyle swim wear. I still remember they were navy blue, shiny and had a little golden steering wheel from a boat sewed on. Before I even knew what it meant I found out that if I laid face down with a pillow below my little speedo bulge and rubbed myself against it, I ended up having some very pleasurable feelings. I guess that's when I started to asume that my position was face down and sticking my ass up high ;-)

AngelboyAngelboy,Deleted userDeleted user,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 3 months ago
When I was 10 I saw a boy in my sister's ballet class wearing light grey ballet tights and I couldn't take my eyes off him and especially his bulge. I knew then that I had to wear tights but I didn't want to take ballet. The opportunity came when I was 12 and I noticed that a few of the boys on the school's running team wore lycra tights and I decided that running was for me. The first time I put them on I needed to masturbate 3 times before my erection went away. Barely a day went by without me having an orgasm in those tights as I had them on straight after school. I loved to admire my erection bulge in the bedroom mirror as I rubbed my penis over the tights until I had a dry orgasm. I also experienced my first ejaculation in those tights.
posted 3 months ago
posted by: 8eight8
Jesus Christ man, maybe he doesn’t want to unblock you?
that was uncalled for. I know you can do better than that