How old was you when you first tried lycra?

How I got into Spandex
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posted 2 months ago
My first time was for a Halloween costume when I was 13

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posted 2 months ago
6 wearing my mums tights and lycra shorts when I was older about 10 Got my first boner in them when I was 11/12ish
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posted 2 months ago
posted by: Tightsguy00
My first time was for a Halloween costume when I was 13
What was the costume?
posted 2 months ago
While it wasn't 100% lycra, the first time I wore something close to it was when I went Trick-or-Treating way back in 1999! Went as the Red Ranger from the then currently airing season of Power Rangers and I did the same the following year xD

Lycra SALycra SA,TaiyangTaiyang,argon1argon1 liked this.

posted 1 month ago
My first spandex shorts were given to me by my stepbrother's wife, they were hers that she did not wear anymore. I was in middle school running track and our uniform shorts were very short and I wanted spandex shorts to wear under them. I had told my mom about it and she told my stepbrother's wife about it and she offered her old ones to me. I tried them on in her bedroom and showed her and my mom that they fit. When I went to go change out heard my mom whisper that they showed my dick to my stepbrother's wife and she said I saw that too. My mom said that it was a good thing I was going to be wearing shorts over them.

Lycra SALycra SA,smoothlycrasmoothlycra liked this.

posted 1 month ago
Vintage speedos age 9
posted 1 month ago
posted 1 month ago
At school when we were first taken for swimming lessons, i had some blue speedos, and some red ones. VERY tight but being only about 12 i couldnt understand why i was getting erections, and so were some of the other boys in the class too. We used to laugh at each other with bulging speedos It was only when i started playing football in those nylon footie shorts that got me really interested in seeing other lads running around in shorts an lycra. I used to cut out the lining in my shorts to feel the nylon against my aching erection rubbing it against anything and everything i could find until i was beyond that point of no return. To feel myself spunking a huge load in them was awesome. at 18 or 19 i had my first mountain bike, thats when i discovered biking lycra shorts (bib shorts) and had quite a few pairs. Regularly following other guys around the canal paths in Birmingham and Netherton with a massive hard on.
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posted 3 weeks ago
Around 5/6 yo with my

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
My first fantasies developed while watching the Power Rangers. But it really hit me when a Kindergarten classmate came to school dressed as the purple ranger. I could only think, "Hold up. We can buy these suits too?!" Around the same time I was enamored with the Dallas Cowboys football pants. They were stunning and shiny! The matte gray Detroit Lions pants didn't do it for me. I quickly became a Dallas fan (not anymore but still love those pants). They were so sexy in the late 90s with the tie/lace up front and all of those reinforced and ergonomic sewn patterns on such beautiful, shiny and tight pants. How could a boy not fall in love with such a material?! ot my first time wearing Lycra, but my first experience of the sort was when I duck taped over some briefs as a 11 YO to make them shiny and tight. It quite silly in hindsight, but what is a boy to do without freaking out his parents? I tried on some Lycra female underwear soon after. The fit was horrible, but the feel was perfect. Soon after that I was hooked. Unfortunately, I did not begin to purchase my own clothing until I was about 20 YO.
Last edited: 3 weeks ago
posted 3 weeks ago
Love these threads. My first proper spandex was cycling bib aged 12. My main reason for taking up cycling was because I wanted to wear the spandex, and I was not disappointed! But way before that I had silky/shiny nylon shorts for my middle school PE kit. I was obsessed with them and even at that age (8, probably) knew I loved wearing them without underwear. One day I laying face down on the living room carpet watching TV and I noticed it felt really good when I rubbed back and forth against the floor in my nylon shorts and had my first dry orgasm. I don’t think there was a single day throughout my teens I didn’t spunk either my nylon Umbros or my cycling kit, usually by grinding on the bed as soon as I got home from school. Not much has changed since then lol