Locked cams v open cams

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 15 years ago
Hi Guys. For a while there the option to lock a cam was not working and the chat room was the better for it. What do people think about locked cams versus open ones? I found that certain guys would just put their cam on and lock it and never show at all. I suspect some guys just used the locked cam to generate extra ratings for their profiles and pics. I'm not talking about guys who only showed to other guys on cam, but the large number of guys who never seemed to show in any circumstances, but who always had the cam on and locked. Personally I'd love the see the cam lock disabled. People can always take a private session from the room to Skype, yahoomessanger, or MSN. The room was friendlier, and more fun with only open cams. Other people's opinions? Love Frank
Last edited: 15 years ago
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posted 15 years ago
Hey Frank, I agree with you 100%. I think that with the locked cams back the room seems less active, It's back to people coming in,watching someone jack off. Telling then what they want to see and how horny they look, and THE END. With locked cams disable people in the cam-chat seemed more friendly and interactive/engaging in other types of conversation other then how big of a dick or ass the person on cam had. I also agree with your theory on people who leave their cams open but locked to generate more profile hits. I also feel that a lot of the people who NEVER open their cam to the public do it as a way to make them self feel better. They gauge how sexy/wanted they appeal to the guys in the chat room by how many requests they receive to view their cam. Since updating the cam-chat, I've also noticed the server is much slower and the quality of the cams are not as good. Seems more people are getting disconnected because the cam-chat is requiring to much bandwith to run their cam. H.B.I.C

ucho84ucho84 liked this.

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posted 15 years ago
Oh yeah, I'm waiting to hear from the guys who NEVER GO ON CAM. or the ones that get on cam but seem to always lock them; I want to see what feedback they have to say. H.B.I.C
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posted 15 years ago
Ok this is a tough one.. I can appreciate the genuine guys that just want a private cam chat because they are not comfortable showing to en entire room of sometimes faceless and speechless onlookers.. We all can't be cam sluts LOL. And i actually get more private cams open to me because of the fact that i am showing. Like for like. and i hate skype and Msn so it kind of suits me.. On the other hand Yes totally agree sat there with a locked cam and not showing to anyone NOT ON Shorts00 long time cam slut:)
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posted 15 years ago
I think locked cams on this site should be disabled too (and pics should be required for all members). If you really want a private cam session between two dudes, just jump on another free cam site like MSN, Yahoo, Skype or MeBeam. Some guys are real jerks about letting you see their locked cam--even if you have your cam on too or ask very nicely. The point of the cam on this site is to show off your gear, not hide in a private room. Also, most of the locked cams I've seen are not better than the open ones anyway, so I don't know what they are trying to hide.
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posted 15 years ago
For what it's worth, I'm in favour of having the option to lock my cam, if only because I like to operate mine on a like-for-like basis. I have a few regular buddies who I like to cam with, and some days I just like to log on and have some private, mutual fun with one of those guys. I don't always feel like putting on a show for the whole room. Sometimes I do, but it's nice to have the option! But my real problem is with the guys who NEVER open their cams. And in my experience, they're always the same guys who want you to open your cam. I don't think its unreasonable to expect a bit of give and take. If you're NEVER gonna let me see your cam, don't think you're gonna get a look at mine. Might sound selfish, but thats just my opinion.
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posted 15 years ago
I would love to be able to to have the choice of private and open cam.

blondnageurblondnageur liked this.

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posted 15 years ago
hi! i agree with what has been said so far: the disabled cam-lock feature did make the room seem more active, both in terms of what was being said and the number of people actually showing on cam. at the same time though, the ideas of like-for-like and wanting pvt sessions on a mutually convenient platform are valid points too. but (and here is a possible suggestion to the admin), neither option comes with the ability of greater control of who is watching ONCE THEY ARE watching. what is if u want to take someone off from watching your cam? im sure we've all been in the situation that dbac described: how often do we log off/log on in order to be more selective with who is watching us? give and take. i don't mean any of this in a harsh way, but i hope ppl can appreciate where i'm coming from. :)
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posted 15 years ago
I like the idea of totally open cams, with no option to lock. But then I'm a total show-off ...
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posted 15 years ago
id prefer to have private room i dont want people i dont want watching me .i want one on one cam .
Last edited: 15 years ago
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posted 15 years ago
Yes but you also have no profile picture. Can it be 'open' cams that allow you to block people from viewing? Not sure if thats possible to code in easily.
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posted 15 years ago
HEY GUYS I am with HB I think profile pix should almost be mandatory to be in chat room. I personally love this site and enjoy going on cam for guys the more the merrier BUT would like the option to go private with someone especially if they dont care to show their face. I do get pissed a guys whom I have cammed with many many times who do lock their cams..if you want private PLEASE be polite enough to say you are in private with someone NO BIG DEAL...a nd if you go on cam DONT sit there in a plaid shirt or playing your guitar (TRUE) show something sexy anything but be animated sexuality is a wonderful thing enjoy it and share your fetish with like minded people jocknballet
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posted 15 years ago
i voted too quick, i voted to have locked cams, but after reading other guys' views on this, i would change my vote to unlocked cams, after all, this is a spandex fetish site and not principally a cam site... i would like to mention that i have no problem if the cammer doesn't want to show the face while camming, it's their cam and they can do whatever they want on cam...
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posted 15 years ago
yea personally i like it when cams aren't locked. i love having my cam open and having guys watching me. i dont get on cam very often as i dont always have the privacy so when i get in front of the cam its a specially feeling, the more people watching gets me evenen hornier ;)
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posted 15 years ago
i prefer it when the camera lock is avaliable. I don't like showing to a chat room full of people and getting nothing in return. At least with the lock you can screen who you are showing to and then approve and disapprove as you like. Also you can block people who arent going to give you anything in return. re-enable the cam lock!

blondnageurblondnageur liked this.

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posted 15 years ago
Jetflash, I am in the chat room daily. You maybe come in the chat room once a month. If you feel the need to go Private, go on msn or skype. Not only does open cam improve communication, ie. People actually chatting. making it not just a "CAM-ROOM". It also gives people the push to get on cam and show their gear off; and that is the reason we're all here for, right?
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posted 15 years ago
I don't really care, doesn't matter if I show to one person or a bunch of people :) but it would be nice to see who is watching you, all I can see is the number of people, not specific users...kinda ironic since you reveal a bit of your privacy as the users who watch you stay annonymous :)
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posted 15 years ago
If you want to show off why would you want to do it in private?
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posted 15 years ago
Actually, I like open cams, but also like private 1 on 1 and group web chat.
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posted 15 years ago
Some guys only watch, it's better to share the cams.