My favorite all time fantasy, for starters. Part 3

posted 6 months ago
Thank you so much to those read and left positive feedback to my previous entries. I can't seem to find part one, only part 2 so I don't know what happened but I'll leave a link to part 2 Greg returns with a couple of extendable tripods, you know the kind meant to hold smartphones. He sees how Hans is fondling me and immediately grabs his phone to take a few pictures of it. I'm still in the 'frisking' position and Hans is still holding onto my bulge with one hand and fondling me with the other. Greg then tells me that he grabbed my phone as well, if I'd like some pictures or video. I let him know that I would, at some point. Then Hans does something similar to what Greg did, he licks my left butt cheek, then my right cheek; before standing up all the while pressing his body against mine and running his hands and chest up my back. Greg is getting this all on video, by the way. Hans, then slides his hands around my waist and pulls me away from the wall. Now he's just holding me, from behind. "Hold still, let me take a picture." Greg says We both happily comply and smile for the camera as he takes a picture of the two of us. Hans, then speaks into my ear, asking what else I enjoy. I turn around to face him and notice he's in great physical shape. "Well, I do enjoy muscle worship, as you caught a glimpse of me doing to Greg." I say "I also enjoy a display of strength. I've lost a bit of weight recently and now down to 155 lbs." "Do you think you can lift me, over your head like they do in professional wrestling? I've always wanted to experience that." I say to Hans "I know exactly what you mean and I think I can accommodate you. Come here. This is just in case I slip and if I drop you, you won't get hurt." He says as he leads me towards the edge of the pool. "After this though, I think we need to work on your tan and the two of us will gladly oil you up. What do you think?" Hans asks me "I think that would be great." I reply Hans then places his left hand, high up on my chest, then his right hand right really high on my right inner thigh, pretty much right up against my bulge. He then kinda ducks under me and gets me off the ground. He has me kinda resting on top of his head as he adjusts his grips on my chest and thigh. He then jumps and drives me up to lift me and succeeds in getting full extension. He seems to be able to easily hold me and now he's got me in his grasp in a full overhead lift. Meanwhile, Greg is getting this whole thing on video. "Wow, you're strong." I say "Thanks, I hit the gym pretty regularly." Hans replies. He continues to hold me up for about another 40 seconds before gently lowering me down onto my feet and releasing me. "Thank You so much, I really enjoyed that." I say to Hans "The pleasure was all mine." Hans says as he smiles at me. "Now I think we need to help you work on your tan, as nice as your body and butt are, you are looking a bit pale, but we can fix that." Hans says Meanwhile, I look over at Greg to see him smiling at me as he opens and breaks the seal on a brand new bottle of coconut oil. Sorry for taking so long to continue and sorry for the short entry. I have ideas but not sure which direction to go. What if you and a friend had me in this situation? Would you want me to remain standing or would you want me to lie face-down for the thorough oil rubdown? Let me know and Thank You so much. :)