Opportunities to wear your spandex in public

Deleted user
posted 1 month ago
I’ve been feeling more brave and wearing my spandex to the gym. Singlets with a t shirt over or some shorts from Matman and Amoresy. I think the bike short trend is finally coming around again so hopefully we’ll see more guys rocking it at the gym soon!
posted 1 month ago
You can do it!! I don’t wear mine in public as often as I should but everytime I do it I enjoy it.

Deleted userDeleted user,santacruzsantacruz,lndnlycralndnlycra,JJtight1JJtight1,smoothlycrasmoothlycra liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
Once you start you realise it’s not scary like you thought it would be! Cycling, gym and nightlife/clubbing are all great opportunities

JJtight1JJtight1 liked this.

posted 3 weeks ago
Hotels for me, around the corridors, at the window at night. Love being seen.

toyplaytoyplay liked this.

posted 2 weeks ago
posted by: smoothlycra
Once you start you realise it’s not scary like you thought it would be! Cycling, gym and nightlife/clubbing are all great opportunities
Definitely cycling! You can wear the most extreme stuff
posted 2 weeks ago
I wore my skinfit thong on the beach in Playa del Carmen (Mexico) last week on vacation. The beach was largely straight, but some other non-hetero people (it seemed to be the gayest part of the beach in a mostly non-gay resort town). But there were two other guys in the area wearing thongs (younger, hotter guys). There were no problem or issues, and about 20% of the women were in thong swimwear. One funny thing happened though: my partner and I were in the waves and as the water rushed away I was standing there in my thong. My partner (who speaks Spanish) heard a pre-teen kid yell to another kid "hey, hey, look at the old guy...". We had a good chuckle.
Last edited: 2 weeks ago